Saturday, December 31, 2011

“Real Sick”

Drinking tea for another person’s fever could make you real sick~

“PATIENCE! My word for 2012"~

Friday, December 30, 2011

“To Move Forward”

The ship cannot sail when the anchor is down~ To move forward~ cut the anchor or pull it up~

“Engender New Rules”

A Wasted Year~ You think? For real~ hmm. If a person/s, animal/s, place/s and or thing/s’ caused you to waste the year~ You need to disassociate yourself from him/her/it/all~ A new year is dawning~ start your new chapter without~ hindrance~ obstruction~ impediment~ barrier~ obstacle~ encumbrance~ handicap~ difficulty~ interference~ interruption~ hindrance~

Thursday, December 29, 2011

“Feeding Baby With Natural Milk”

Breast feeding a baby in public... hmm what's the big deal~ There are times when it is necessary~ I never heard anyone complain about animals breast feeding and they do it where ever they are~ As a child, I saw many women do it in public~ Animals do it~ I grew up with the understanding that it is one of the most natural things in life.
Some babies don’t like processed baby formulas/food~ What, are you going to do if you are out in public and your baby is hungry~ hmm. Buy them a soda/beer~ oh DRAMA!
I wonder if these complainers were breast fed~ hmm.
Feeding baby with natural milk is healthier and cheaper. I say breast fed your baby…

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

“December And January”

Makes me wordy~ stimulating memories of the past~ Pensive and sad~ offering little hope~ I honest to goodness only like one day in December~ Twenty-fifth~ I am not to excited about January~ The one thing I am not going to do is~ be anxious, be concerned, be troubled, be bothered, and or lose sleep over 2012… Best wishes to you and yours~ Remember~ NO DRINKING AND DRIVING/NO ROAD RAGE…

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


You woke up this morning~ Shake off that acute lack of mental alertness~ STUPOR!
Step out of the box~ STEP FORWARD!
Pick up yourself ~ PRESS ON!
2012~ New Year~ New Attitude~ PROGRESS!

Monday, December 26, 2011

“To You And You”

Yes to all of you~ Cheers...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

“My Heart Is Happy”

Happy birthday Jesus~ Oh how great it is to see this day~ my heart is happy~ To all of my readers, I hope your heart is happy too~

Saturday, December 24, 2011

"I Am Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time"


Friday, December 23, 2011

“The Thought That Counts”

Yesterday I received my first Christmas gift. It was a bag of onions from the vegetable market. When we left the market, I smiled and whispered to my son, “I guess they decided to give me something to cry about.”
“Hey, when you’re crying, remember, it’s the thought that counts,” He said…

Thursday, December 22, 2011

“Drinking Driving Road Rage”

Don’t let those two enemies over take your existence –DRINKING AND DRIVING AND OR ROAD RAGE. Before you succumb to these two evils think about the people you love and the people who love you…

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

“Don’t Look Out At Nights”

Two Fridays ago I heard endless police cars speeding down the street that I live on. I was a bit concerned because my daughter and many other children were coming home from school, at that time of the day. When I got outside, it was raining, but I walked out, onto the sidewalk. There were many parked police cars on the street, and many police men, were walking towards a building. I kept looking in the direction my daughter usually came from. When I finally saw her, I walked quickly towards her. She started running towards me.
The moment we met she said, “Mom, let us go inside now! Something terrible happened in the building, at the corner, because I heard someone screaming, and other people crying!” She pulled me towards the door, but the writer in me, wanted to know what happened, so I stood where I was, and kept my eyes on the building. My daughter was adamant, “Mom, let’s go inside!”
The moment we walked in, I turned on the television and scanned the channels. There was no news about the situation outside, but it played on my mind all weekend. Monday came and still no news. On Tuesday morning about 2AM, I heard voices that were a bit loud outside. I did not look out because I remembered the old folks saying ‘Don’t look out at nights when you hear noises, because you will see something that you don’t want to see’. I listened to the voices, but I could not comprehend what was being said. Later that morning I was pissed because I did not look out… One of my favorite show was being filmed~ I missed out on the drama…

“Two Mothers Crying”

This year is ending with a big bang… I really don’t like it… One mother’s son is in critical condition in the hospital and the other mother’s son is in jail…

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

“For Giving And Forgiving”

The Christmas I remember, in Trinidad and Tobago, was a beautiful celebration~ Christmas was FOR GIVING and FORGIVING.
Relatives, friends and neighbors, (It does not matter what your religion is.) visit each other bearing gifts…
A feud between you, and or your relatives, friends, and, neighbors went on for the whole year~ everyone held on to the argument ignoring each. On Christmas day the feuding people came over to your home to celebrate. You welcomed them, and you all apologize, for the nonsense that caused you to stop talking to each other...

Monday, December 19, 2011

“A Real Life Situation”

Saturday, April 09, 2011, I posted a real life situation that happened to me and my son. I was paying attention to him, and in split second, a woman took him. Please be on your guard when you are out with your children… More vigilant during this busy time of the year~
“The Kidnapper” (Re-Posting)
I am wondering what my life would be like today, if the unthinkable did happen, eighteen years ago. There are times in your life you have to say thank God for giving you a six sense, intuition, perception, etc… I had to go to the store to buy something. A feeling of trepidation was in my heart and I did not want to go, but I needed the item. My son was three years old, and he was home from daycare, so I had to take him with me. Since I was having an uncomfortable feeling in my heart, I held his hand and made sure he was next to me at all times. When we arrived at the store there were about five people shopping. One woman stood out. She was wearing a green shirt. It was the exact color as the one that I was wearing. When she looked my way, I felt more anxious and I started to question myself. “Why am I feeling this way?” I decided not to browse… just get the item, pay for it and leave the store. The moment I got it, I stood in line and I held on to my son’s hand. When I got to the casher, I put my item on the counter, let go of my son’s hand, opened my handbag and took out my wallet. As I was about to pay, I looked down for my son. He was not there so I called out to him, but there was no answer. I kept shouting his name and my intuition was saying to me, “Go to the front door”, so I ran to it. I asked the security guard who was standing near the door, if he saw a little boy wearing a red tee shirt and blue jeans. He told me a woman walked out with a little boy who was wearing those same color clothes. I ran out of the store onto the sidewalk. The lady in the same color shirt, was holding my son's hand, waiting to get on the bus… I shouted my son's name and he looked around, and said, “Mommy?” then he looked up at the lady… I screamed for him to come and he pulled away from her. She saw me running towards them and she started running in the opposite direction… I held onto my son tightly. He started to cry and he told me that the woman looked like me. I told him it’s okay. I kept looking at the woman, as she sprinted away…

Sunday, December 18, 2011

“Women Know How To Find Things”

Men and children don’t know how to find the things that they want… After they used an item, you would say to them, “Put it where you could find it, the next time you need it.” They never do, and then they ask you if you see it. You did not see it, but you start looking in all the places it shouldn’t be… You find it, and then they would say, “Thanks, I know you knew where you put it”…

Saturday, December 17, 2011


I love saying okay, alright~ These two words, circumvent the argument that I don’t want to get into… It pisses some of them off and they say that I say it, in a sarcastic tone… Okay~ Alright…

Friday, December 16, 2011

“They Will Never Forget”

A dear friend, always say this to me… People will forget~ what you tell them. They will forget~ how you treat them. But they will never forget~ how you make them feel...

“A Free Will”

He gave each man/woman a free will~ Why, do you want to take away another man/woman’s free will?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

“Emotionally Exhausted”

I sometimes wonder why I answer the phone~
Did you ever have a conversation with someone and after it was over you feel emotionally exhausted…. Just freaking drained? You feel so tired that your brain wants to shut down… It does not want to hear another word from another person~~~~

“Trinbagonian Mothers’ Sayings”

You say to your mother, “Ah pregnant.”
Mother, “Not me an’ you! Where ever yuh ketch yuh cold~ Dat is where, yuh go blow, yuh nose!”
Mother saying something to you and you steups (Suck your teeth)… “You steupsing! Oh! So yuh playin’ man/woman! When you pee it frothing~ It making hole in the ground!” Mother Exclaims.
Now you shrug your shoulder and walk away. Mother, “Yuh gettin’ beside yuh self! Ah go buss yuh tail!”
Some Trinbagonian mothers’ sayings…

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

“Where You Least Expect It”

Looking through the window at this cold morning, many things are playing on my mind to write. I used to love December because of Christmas, but as the years go by, so many people are crying that I am feeling melancholy… Yesterday I thought, ‘what a drab Christmas is going to be’… The excitement was over. My daughter came home from school and we talked for a moment while she ate something. She started to do her homework. The moment she was finished she started opening drawers looking.
“What are you looking for?” I asked.
“My Christmas gifts.”
“Okay,” I said smiling then continued doing what I was doing.
“Mom, don’t say, 'okay'. Just tell me where they are. Give me a clue.”
“Where you least expect it.”
Now she was looking more intently and I was laughing hard and thinking, oh how Children makes the Christmas Season joyful…

"Good Morning"

~Good Morning~ Good Morning~ Good Morning~ To you. Don't forget to say, "I LOVE YOU"

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

“Oh What A Surreal Heartbreaking Moment”

My friend just called to let me know that the love of her life passed away… I knew him through her eyes and I know there is a deep hole in her heart… I am praying that she and her children get strength and courage to face the days ahead…


~Endurance~ Staying power~ Tolerance~ Lack of complaint~ Persistence~ Fortitude~ Serenity~ You would never know that I am anxiously waiting for~ Oh what a virtue it is and I have it…

Monday, December 12, 2011

“You Think A Jackass Stupid”

He tied ten large crocus bags of salt, on his jackass. The jackass felt weighed down so he started to walk slowly. “Wait! Where the hell are you going!? I am not ready to go yet! I need to tie two more bags on you!”
The jackass stood still looking for a way to lighten his load… When the master went to get the bags of salt, the jackass turned and walked into the river… As the old folks used to say... You think a Jackass stupid? Hmm…

Sunday, December 11, 2011

“Memory Lane While I Cook”

One day when my daughter was 4yrs old, she came home from school and in her little voice she said… Mommy I am hungry. Do you have any flour kneed there, and salt fish? I smiled because this child was sounding like my father. He used to say that to my mother sometimes when he came in from work… I am making fried bakes and buljhol.
“Fry Bakes”
4 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoon sugar or ½ teaspoon salt (I like sugar in my fry bakes. I am not a fan of salt so I am not going to tell you to add more.)
Oil for frying.
Mix flour, baking powder sugar or salt adding a little water at a time to make soft dough, not sticky. Knead for 8 to 10 minutes. Put in a bowl, cover and let rest for ½ an hour… Cut pieces and roll into a small ball. Roll out ¼ inch thick… Fry in hot oil turning over… fry until brown.
This is my recipe for making fried bakes… At times I add ½ cup of whole wheat flour or ½ cup fine cornmeal.
I am serving with buljhol, but I must have a couple fry bake with extra sharp cheddar cheese… Nice real Nice.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

“My Word For The Day”

I said good morning~ You did not answer.
I held the door for you~ You walked through and ignored me.
I gave you my seat~ You sat down and ignored me.
Now, I am thinking this would be a nicer world if we are all GRACIOUS~ cordial~ hospitable~ good-natured~ pleasant~ sociable~ courteous~ polite~ Etcetera, Etcetera!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

“The Pyramid Scheme”

Many years ago, a friend invited me to a meeting… There was going to be a discussion about how to double your money. She told me to bring $1,000.00 and it would be doubled. When I walked into her home that night, I counted 15 people. I smiled because these 15 people were well-to-do… They all had great jobs... What more do they want? The BOSS of the group set up an easel, with a white board and some markers. He introduced himself then he started to construct the plan, on how to double your money. I don’t profess to be a math wiz, but I knew one –my father. He taught me well. As the BOSS showed the plan, I said to myself, ‘PYRAMID!... Some people are going to win and some are going to lose’. I looked at some of the faces in the room and they were glowing with excitement. The cash register was registering in their heads… chee-ching chee- ching!!!
The BOSS finished explaining then he said, “If any of you wish to join, sign your name and I will collect the $1,000.00”. People rushed to sign their names, and pay the money. I did not sign. When the money started to pile up, I decided to leave. I did not want to see the reactions, of the people, who did not get any money… A week later, I was told that the pyramid collapsed and the drama started…

"Cold Cold"

I don't mean I want a glass of juice, soda.... I mean it is cold like hell outside...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

“Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”

In this cold un-forgiving world, there is not a lot for many children to look forward too… Some of them see the innocence in Santa Claus… Why not let them enjoy the moment that Santa Claus is coming to town?…

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

“Words That Stay With Me”

I don’t know who the author of this poem is, but the words would ever so often pop up in my mind…
There is no way to the end of a journey,~ But to travel the road that leads to it,~ It may be a long and weary road,~ And strength and courage often fail,~ But we must not give up.~ There is more to this poem, but I can’t remember…

"Two powerful asses bind the will of man –Fear and Unbelief"

I heard an elderly man say this to someone... I think he hit the nail on the head real hard.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I saw some people this morning in high spirits, some were looking downhearted and some were just going with the flow.
Another day~ Another story~ We all have a chapter so do not forget that it is your choice to carry the load that you are holding…

Sunday, December 4, 2011

“Picture This Moment”

She looked through the window and there were 2 turkeys, 2 frizzle fowls and 1 rooster walking in the yard… 2 ducks were swimming in the pond. The leaves on the trees were swaying to the gentle morning breeze… Her heart felt elated, and she hoped that this day was going to be a super-duper one. A day without excitement would be welcomed. The puppy was lying on his stomach as he stared straight ahead. He suddenly started to bark excitedly and she looked to see what was causing such a raucous... Her 2 year old son was sitting under the mango tree, eating a mango, and a coral snake was slithering towards him…

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jan’s Mysterious Adventure~

Douen~ Spirit, Lugarhoo~ Werewolf, La diablesse~ Witch.

Friday, December 2, 2011

“CHAPTER 2~ Jan’s Mysterious Adventure”

We left the school and headed towards our homes. I was feeling excited.
“Jan, I know you were not paying attention in class. Who showed you how to work that sum?” asked Kelley.
“My dad.”
“You are lucky because Mrs. Johnson would have embarrassed you if you did not know how to do it.”
“I know, but do you find that Mrs. Johnson looks unhappy?”
“She does. I wonder if she has a family.”
“I don’t think she does because I never heard anyone talked about her having one.”
“She must be lonely. I’m glad that we have families who love us.”
“Me too.”
About one hundred yards from the school, the road was underwater. The stream had overflowed its bank and poured on to the road. On the right side of the road was a big savannah. It was fenced with barbed wire. The savannah looked like a shallow pond, and there were cows grazing in it. The stream was on the left side of the road. On the bank of the stream, there were guava trees, mango trees, and a huge tamarind tree. Farther along, there was a wooded area. There were Poui tree, teak trees, rubber trees, and many other tall trees. These trees blocked out the sun so the woods looked dark and dismal.
Our parents as well as the school principal told us not to cross the stream. On sunny days, many children would cross the stream to pick some of the fruits. Although the guava and mangoes looked inviting, no one attempted to cross today.
Some children took off their shoes and walked through the water barefooted. There were other children who climbed on to the barbed wire and walked sideways along the fence, until they made it to dry ground.
“Jan, do you want to try and walk on the fence?”
“No way, Kelley. I might fall.”
I pulled up my skirt and stepped into the water. It felt cold. “Ouch!”
“How does it feel?” asked Kelley.
“Come on, it feels good.”
Kelley stepped in.
“Oh my gosh…. It’s . . . cold!” shouted Kelley, shivering. Jan you tricked me. You didn’t tell me the water is cold?”
Jan started to laugh. Randee, Mark, and a few other boys were splashing water on anyone, who tried to walk by them, so Kelley and I stayed back. Stuart and Andrea were walking on the fence, and they started arguing.
“Andrea, you are moving too slow. Hurry up!”
“Stuart, if you think you could walk faster than me, you can go ahead.”
Stuart was in a hurry, so he decided to walk past Andrea. Andrea stood on the fence and held on tightly. Stuart moved quickly, and the fence started shaking. Everyone started shouting at him.
“Stuart, you are going to fall!” shouted one person.
“Don’t do that! Are you crazy?” shouted another.
“Stuart, if you make me fall, I’m going to beat you up!” shouted Andrea.
We were all looking at Stuart in amazement and waiting for the fence to collapse and for everyone who was on it, to fall into the water. As he was about to pass Andrea, his feet slipped, and he fell in a sitting position, into the water.
There was a big uproar. Everyone, laugh out loudly. Kelley and I clapped at Stuart for making the evening exciting. Although Stuart looked embarrassed, I had to say something to him for being so foolish.
“Stuart, as the old folks would say, More haste, less speed.”
He looked at me angrily but he did not say anything.
Kelley whispered, “Jan, if looks could kill, you know where you would be right now?”
“I know.”
He got up, and for a moment, I thought he was going to do something to me, but he turned and walked out of the water as fast as he could, to the jeers of the other children.
After Stuart’s spill, everyone started to walk out of the water to dry ground. Randee shouted at us.
“Jan and Kelley, come on. Let’s go home.”
“We are coming,” I said.
Kelley and I continued playing in the water. After a while, I looked around. I was surprised that Kelley and I were the only ones still playing in the water. Randee shouted at us again.
“Hey! Come on.”
I turned to Kelley and told her we should go, but she did not move. She was staring into the woods. Her face was as white as a sheet.
“Kelley, what’s wrong?” I asked.
“I saw someone in the woods. It must be a Douen.”
“Come on, Kelley, you know Douens are one of the characters that our parents talk about during story time.”
“No, Jan, they are real. They are actually spirits that live in the woods and they lure children in to it, to steal them. My parents told me about many children who where stolen by Douens.”
I knew most of the stories that were told about our folklore, but I don’t believe those stories.
“Kelley, there is no one in the woods. It’s probably a tree branch and the wind is making it seem as though someone is there.”
“Jan, I did see someone. Look over there.” She pointed to an area where the trees were close.
I looked, but I did not see anything.
“Kelley, there is no one there.”
She held my hand, pulled me closer to the stream, and pointed to the woods.
“Look over at those big trees.”
When I looked in the direction she was pointing, I saw something move. I stepped closer to get a better view. I was amazed to see two children playing in the woods. I could not see their faces because they were wearing big straw hats and their feet were about knee height in water.
My heart started to beat very fast because those stories we were told about characters like these, were coming to life.
Douens wore large straw hats and their feet were turned backwards. I stared at the children. They were clapping their hands and laughing at what was being said to each other. I could not believe what I was seeing, so I closed my eyes tightly for a few second then opened them again to make sure of what I was seeing. I could hear the laughter, but I could not see their faces.
I was scared. I was sure that these two children who were all alone in the woods must be Douens. I did not realize I was standing close to the edge of the stream, until Kelley shouted at me.
“Jan, step back, you might fall!”
I could not move because my legs were shaking.
“Jan, give me your hand!”
I stretched out my hand and tried to step back, but my feet slipped from under me and I fell into the stream.

The current was very strong, and I headed down the stream at a terrific speed. I could hear Kelley screaming my name. The sound of her voice faded, and I knew I had gone farther down the stream. I could feel my body being bumped and scratched by rocks and weeds. About two miles down the stream, I suddenly stopped~~~

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"Jan’s Mysterious Adventure"

This book is going to give many of you an intriguing walk down memory lane…

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

“A Peek Inside” ~ Jan's Mysterious Adventure

C H A P T E R 1

I sat in my classroom, listening to Mrs. Johnson explain how to multiply fractions. The room was quiet. Almost everyone was listening attentively.
Randee made a paper plane, and he was waiting for Mrs. Johnson to turn to the blackboard so he could throw it to Mark. Although I was hearing Mrs. Johnson, I was not listening to her. The pitter-patter of the rain on the galvanized roof was more interesting.
I looked over at Kelley and whispered, “We are going to have fun today.”
“Yes,” said Kelley, smiling.
We both knew that when it rained this heavy, the stream usually overflows its bank and pours on to the road.
Although the water is not clear, you could see the little tadpoles, guppies, and small conch swimming in the water.
Some of the boys would find a pan to catch some of the guppies and conch to take home. They would put them into a drum half filled with water. The body of the conch is sometimes pulled out, and the shell is kept as an ornament.
The sound of a ruler hitting my desk jolted me back to reality. Mrs. Johnson spoke in a stern voice.
“Jan, are you sitting in my class, or out in the rain?”
I could feel all eyes on me. I felt embarrassed and when I spoke, my voice was shaky.
“I . . . I . . . I’m in . . . cla-class.”
Everyone started laughing, except Kelley.
“Quiet class!” Mrs. Johnson said in her most stern voice, and in the same tone, she spoke to me, “Jan, there is a fraction on the board. Go to the board and work it out!”
I knew that Mrs. Johnson expected me not to know how to multiply that fraction, and she was waiting for me to make a mistake. I was not worried because my father had shown me how to do fractions.
When I walked up to the board, all eyes were on me. I took my time in working out the sum. When I was finished, Mrs. Johnson did not praise me for doing the sum correctly. I knew she was a bit angry because she did not get the chance to embarrass me.
Mrs. Johnson took the chalk from my hand, and spoke to the class.
“Class, do you understand what was done?”
“Yes, Mrs. Johnson,” they responded.
I walked back to my seat, and Kelley whispered, as I walked by her desk, “Good job.”
I sat down, and I thought about Mrs. Johnson. She was stern. Many of the children did not like her, but our parents did because she was a very good teacher. Every child that came out of her class went into specialized Junior high schools. She was the type of teacher who would take a child to sit at her desk and teach them a math problem or any other subject they did not understand.
Most evenings when I arrived home from school and my parents ask me how my day was, I would try to convince them that Mrs. Johnson doesn’t like me, but my mom would say, “Jan, you are not in her class for her to like you; you are there for her to teach you.”
After a while when my mother would start saying those words, I would say them with her and we would start laughing.
Mrs. Johnson had the unhappiest face I had ever seen on anyone. I wondered if she had a family. An hour after my near mishap with her, school was dismissed. The rain was still falling, and the sun was shining. I knew that the rain was going to stop soon.
Many parents came to pick up their children from school. I was glad that my parents and Kelley’s did not come to take us home.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

“It Is A Nice Feeling To Daydream”

We were walking and talking… She was saying that she feels really good and I said, “I feel the same way.” We smiled at each other then I said, “It really feels nice outside this morning.”
“It does,” she said.
“Do you think it would stay like this until next year?”
“Mom, it is a nice feeling to daydream.”
I started to laugh…

Monday, November 28, 2011

“An Eerie Moment"

A woman just called my home to do a survey on a cemetery... Her voice sounds like something from a horror movie...Oh, what an eerie moment.


You hold on and hold on… Then time goes by and you start wondering… What am I holding on to? So slowly, but then keenly, you let go… poof!!!

The Lesson You Have To Learn"

Patience is the lesson you have to learn
The constant dropping of the water wears away the hardest stone…
Intolerance is ignorance matured.
The sweetest and holy incensed of a godly life, will melt intolerance much quicker than the hottest flame or hardest blow… (Aquarian Gospel)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

“Make A Change”

You see the big stone everyday… It has been a stumbling block in your life since you know yourself… You’ve kicked that stone on a number of occasions… Even busted your toe, yet you continue to move in the direction of the stone… You have to CHANGE YOUR COURSE…

Saturday, November 26, 2011

“He Gave A PrĂ©cis”

Just imagine I decide to go to the cinema to see a movie. Paid –$15.00 for my ticket. Popcorn and water –paid $8.00… Sat in the cinema waiting for the move to start… Previews of other movies started… Ten to fifteen minutes later, I was getting a bit anxious to see my movie… The screen goes dark for a moment so now, I am really hoping the movie starts… Suddenly, a man appears on the screen… He gives a prĂ©cis of the movie… I was stunned because I heard the beginning, middle and the end of the movie… What the dickens did I come to the movies for?...

Friday, November 25, 2011


NOT ME IN THAT MAD SCENE... Just heard on the news –In one mall some men were arguing then gun shots were fired and in another a woman sprayed pepper spray to keep the crowd at bay... I can't understand how people want to kill/hurt people to spend their money... hmm –MADNESS…
“The Excitement Is On Override”
Great company –family and friends –great conversations. Delicious food –Turkey, peas and rice, lasagna, macaroni pie, collard greens, spaghetti delight, potato salad, bar-b-q pork, geera pork, mashed potato and pumpkin pie… Food galore… It was a great day, but now the excitement is on override –Christmas…

Thursday, November 24, 2011

“Drinking Driving Road Rage

Don’t let those two enemies over take your existence –DRINKING AND DRIVING/AND OR ROAD RAGE.
Before you succumb to these two evils think about the people you love and the people who love you…

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

“Just A Feeling”

It was raining buckets since yesterday... It stopped, but it's coming again... Outside looks like twilight. I'm in a tranquil mood... I want to hop right back in bed... That is just a feeling... hmm. The best thing about this day… it is raining not snowing...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

“Marinate/Soak Turkey”

I get turned off from food if I smell the fresh smell that turkey has, if it is not marinated/soaked hours before it is cooked… This is how I prepare my turkey for roasting/frying.
1. I submerge my turkey in a bucket filled with water that has; 2 cups of lime/lemon juice, 1 cup salt, ½ cup vinegar. Then I cover the bucket and leave the turkey to marinate/soak for 3 to 4 hours.
2. While the turkey is marinating/soaking I prepare my seasoning... Blend in vinegar, onion, lots of garlic, cilantro, scallions and ginger.
3. Take turkey out of the bucket, put into a bowl, in the kitchen sink and I wash outside and inside of the turkey… plucking out the one or two etc feathers I find.
4. I put the turkey in a baking pan then I seasoned with the blended mixture, adding salt and black pepper. I covered pan and place in refrigerator to marinate/soak.
I usually prepare my turkey 4 days before Thanksgiving, so my turkey tastes yummy.

Monday, November 21, 2011

“Juicy Limes”

I was squeezing some limes I bought Saturday from the fruit farm… You talk about juice I got from these limes… While I was squeezing them I was wondering what tree in Trinidad and Tobago, did they pick these nice juicy limes…

Sunday, November 20, 2011

“But Is The Negative”

There is hardly a moment when someone is praising another person a ‘BUT’ is not added to the commendation… Why can’t there be praises without adding that negative?…

Saturday, November 19, 2011


What a beautiful sun filled sky~ There are lots of thin layers of clouds in it~ The morning is cold~ But that is just the weather~ Love is in the air and I am loving it~ I thank God for making me see another day~ Praise God~

Friday, November 18, 2011


When you are logging on to FB or if you are already on, make sure that your little ones eyes are away from the computer screen... OH JEES-AN-AGES! VULGARITY is at its heights on FB tonight...

“He Knew He Could Not Win”

“This argument is baseless… It is heading down the road to nowhere,” he said.
“You started it,” she said.
He knew he didn’t start it, but he said, “Okay. Then I am going to end it.”
“It is unfounded… heading nowhere. I am going to shut up.”
“We need to continue this discussion.” She shouted.
He knew he could not win, so he said, “Okay, so you talk and I will listen.”
“That is what I don’t like about you! You always get silent during a discussion, when it gets a little argumentative!” She shouted.
“Honey, I will listen and if I want to add anything I will.”
That ended the discussion…

Thursday, November 17, 2011

“Role model”

Words I love… Role model, Exemplar, Paradigm…
What I don’t like to hear, is people looking at someone else to be the role model for their CHILD/CHILDREN… hmm. Maybe these parents are not worthy to be copied… They are not good examples… MAYBE!!!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

“Them Old Folks Know How To Scare You”

I heard someone in the kitchen and I woke up, went to the kitchen. It was 12:30 AM and there was my son eating a banana. I told him that it is not a good thing to eat banana that late at night. He said that he already ate one. I felt a bit worried about that because when I was growing up, I was told many don’ts about eating banana…
Don’t eat it if you are hungry~ Don’t eat it after six~ Don’t eat it when you were outside in the hot sun, because your blood is hot~ Don’t eat it if you were drinking alcohol~ And to back up these don’ts, they knew someone who died from doing them~ Them old folks know how to scare you…

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

“That Confrontation”

Is it necessary to have that argument~ that disagreement~ that quarrel~ that altercation~ that war of words~ that conflict ~ that row~ THAT CONFRONTATION?!… After it is over, someone might be heartbroken~ crying~ badly bruised~ or dead!!! Is it really necessary to have~ THAT CONFRONTATION?!...

“A Bitter Pill To Swallow”

The things that are happening to humans, is atrocious!!!! To children by humans who claim that they love them, and they are helping them, but they are abusing them PHYSICALLY, PSYCHOLOGICALLY, and SEXUALLY… IS A BITTER PILL TO SWALLOW!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

“The Measure You Give”

Oh gosh this morning I am back to compassion… Good measure pressed down shaken together, running over~ soon it’s going to come back home on every wave~ The measure you give, is the measure you are going to receive~ Compassion is food for the heart, mind and soul… We all need compassion to sustain us~

Sunday, November 13, 2011

“My Opinion”

Your opinion matters after they take it and make it their own...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

“Solemn Vow”

‘FOR BETTER OR FOR WORST’. This solemn vow is losing its strength day by day… If you don’t mean it, don’t say I do…

Friday, November 11, 2011

“Veterans Day”

Today is Veterans Day in the United States. I salute all Veterans.
Someone just said to me that Veterans are getting free food today, but they have to show lots of stuff to get it… Ok, so they showed their information and they got the free food, but what about food for the next day, and the day after, and–so–on–and–so–on…

Thursday, November 10, 2011

“My Sweetbread”

I am not one for following rules of any recipe. I always add or take out something. Regular vanilla is good, but I use Tonka Bean vanilla and My Sweetbread tastes delightful!
3 Cups Flour
1 Cups granulated sugar
3 Tsp. baking powder
¾ Cup water
1/2 Cup margarine, room temperature
1½ Tsp. vanilla essence
1 Egg
½ Cup mixed peel
1 Cup raisins
1 Coconut
1 Tsp Angostura bitters
1 Cup cherries (Everyone tells me it is ½ cup, but I love cherries in my sweetbread… When I am making it they all have to stay out of the kitchen)
¼ Cup Brown Sugar
My Preparations
1. Cut each cherry into four pieces.
2. Chop mixed peel into smaller pieces.
3. Grate coconut then add sugar, water and mix with a wooden spoon.
4. Beat egg with bitters and vanilla, pour into coconut mixture. Add margarine, mix thoroughly.
5. Sift flour and baking powder then mix into the coconut mixture.
6. Add fruits and mixed peel.
7. Pour into a baking pan and bake at 350◦F for 50 - 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
8. Sprinkle with brown sugar, put back into oven for 5 minutes.


Don’t want more because it taste good… Want more because you are hungry! Overeating –Sinful.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


That deep seated emotion that touches your heart and soul… Someone maybe compassionate to you, but they might not be in love with you… Do not misconstrue compassion for love…


I love this word… If you have a compassionate person in your life…You’ve struck gold! Cherish them!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

“Pay Heed”

I don’t know what you are faced with, but it’s a beautiful morning… You are reading this so your mental power is intact… My words for today… Intuition, instinct, perception, insight, sixth sense, hunch, inkling, suspicion… As the old folks I knew used to say… “Something tell me… Ah had ah feeling… Ah had ah hunch” What ever you may call it… This is just a reminder to PAY HEED!...

Monday, November 7, 2011

“Envious People”

They are in our lives to remind us how important our talent is… Don’t make them your focal point… Make your talent your focal point –Don’t ever falter from it…

“Will Is Power”

If you have the will to do it, you have the power to do it… Will is Power!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


One of my favorite Christmas and also Thanksgiving desserts… The first day I saw this recipe, I thought that it was not a good recipe for a cake. I made the cake and my family said that it was the best cake they ever ate. After I tasted it, I said this Orange-Lemon Pound Cake is SCRUMPTIOUS!


INGREDIENTS, Makes a 10-inch cake

3 Cups all-purpose flour
2 Cups granulated sugar
1 Tsp. salt
1 Tsp. baking powder
½ Tsp. baking soda
1 Cup sour cream
1 Cup butter or margarine, room temperature
1 Tsp. vanilla
2 Tsp. grated orange peel
5 Eggs

1. Spoon flour lightly into cup and level off to measure. Combine flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, baking soda, sour cream, butter, vanilla, orange peel and eggs in large mixer bowl.
2. Mix at low speed until blended and all ingredients are moistened. Turn speed to high and mix for 3 minutes.
3. Butter and flour a 10-inch pan. Pour cake batter into pan.
4. Bake at 325◦F for pan made of plain metal. Bake at 300◦F if the pan has a colored exterior.
5. Bake for 60 -75 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

“Hog Plum”

Who called it HOG PLUM and why did he/she?... hmm. It was an unpleasant pungent taste to many and the smell was also unpleasant to some… I loved the pungent taste… the moment it touched my taste buds my mouth watered. If I had a sore throat, it healed it in a moment. I loved when Miss Lions –she was the lady who sold goodies in the school yard. She had the best goodies ever… She boiled hog plums with sugar, making them into a real tasty candy… Hog plums… Are the best.

“A Beautiful Morning”

Cold~ Yes It Is...
Sun~ Shining Brightly…
Love~ It Burns Inside…
Hope~ I Hope You Feel It Too…
Oh What A Beautiful Morning...

Friday, November 4, 2011

"Tonka Bean Vanilla"

For my favorite cookies, I use home made vanilla. Tonka Bean – Vanilla.
Did you know that if you grate Tonka beans, put it in Vodka… leave it to marinate or as Trinbagonians say, soak, for three weeks, to a month, it makes the best flavored vanilla?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

“My Favorite Cookies”

This recipe was given to me by a dear friend –Ann… She is now 89 years and has all her faculties. Such a beautiful soul…
These are my Thanksgiving Cookies. They are guaranteed to make a hit with your family and guests… Enjoy.



4 Cups of Flour
3 Tablespoon baking powder
1 Tablespoon vanilla

Make small balls not bigger than a quarter and place one inch apart on a baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 – 15 minutes.
1 lime
1 egg white
3 cups of confectioner’s sugar
1 bottle of colorful sprinkles

Put egg white in a bowl and squeeze lime in the bowl. Turn on the mixer on low and beat for a minute. Add confectioner’s sugar and increase mixer speed to high. Beat mixture until thick and very white, about 5-7 minutes. The icing should hold stiff peak when you lift the beater. Add more confectioner’s sugar if needed.
Paste on cookies then put on sprinkles.


Playing on my mind this morning –Mercy, Compassion, Pity, Clemency, Forgiveness, Kindness, Sympathy, Understanding, Leniency, Humanity! However you want to say it… Today, many humans don’t have a scintilla of MERCY!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

“A Malevolent Look”

“I don’t like the costume coordinator, but I have to go to her house. Can you please come with me?” Troy asked.
“That woman looks kind of strange, her house is in the middle of nowhere and it looks frightening to me. I don’t want to go,” said Carol.
“I have to collect my costume and I don’t want to go alone."
“I will drive you there, but I will wait for you in the car.” Although every scintilla of Carol’s being told her not to get out of the car, she did. As they walked towards the front door Carol felt the hairs on her hands raised and she whispered, “This place is fear-provoking.”
Troy whispered, “I’m scared.”
The coordinator suddenly peeped through the window. “Oh my God, she looks creepy,” Said Carol.
“Everything about this place is creepy,” said Troy.
The coordinator opened the door. She had a malevolent look on her face as she said, “So the both of you think that my home and I are creepy?”…

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


As a child, just enjoying my daily routine… Going to school and playing games, the date November, 1st. 2011 was the furthest thing from my mind… Thank God for making me see it, and making me feel good!
So what am I thinking about today, hmm… Some Trinbago sayings.
When you have cocoa in de sun… You have to look for rain.
You know what they say about the immortelle… It does shade the cocoa.
Playing dead to catch corbeau alive.
So it is 11/1/11 the second to last month of the year… Everything is going wrong… bad luck galore in your life…
“A-A Boy, is like corbeau pee on yuh!”
Nah Nah… I was in the right church… wrong pew… Now I overs dat…

Monday, October 31, 2011

“This Week Just Started”

All that I can say is, “Oh Drama!”
My son started it off, “I was just thinking that you and dad never took us trick or treating.”
“Yeah, how come we never went,” My daughter said.
I said, “You my dearest son, never liked candy and you still don’t. You finally started eating candy… Milky Way is your favorite and a bag last you three weeks to a month… And you my dearest daughter you did not like to see the ugly masks…
“That is no excuse,” My son said.
“Yeah mom, that is not a good excuse!” said my daughter.
I started to laugh because that was a sound excuse…

Sunday, October 30, 2011


That sweet dish that is eaten at the end of a meal is joy to the taste-buds. I always felt that something so mouth-watering should be eaten first. Everyone I told this would say to me, “it will mess up your taste-buds.” Although I didn’t believe that, I would say okay and follow the rule… Main course then dessert… Today, I could see why it is not a good thing to eat your dessert before the main course… I ate chocolate ice cream with chocolate sprinkles… It was so delicious… Five minutes later, I ate the main course… It was also delicious, but moments after I ate, my taste-buds started craving for dessert…

Saturday, October 29, 2011

"Wet Watery Snow"

It's snowing.... Wet watery snow... I am not complaining... but in October... hmm.

“Happy Birthday”

21 years ago today I had my son Paul... He is the kind of child any mother, father, brother and sister would be proud of... We all thank God for him... Happy birthday Paul. We love you...

Friday, October 28, 2011

“Getting All Bothered”

Ha! Not today… Tomorrow… Not anymore… It makes no sense getting all bothered by things you have no control over. Tomorrow when it starts snowing, I am going to say, “The climate is doing his/her thing and I am going to do my own thing...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

“Say It Out Loud”

I wonder if people who love to talk, and believe that common sense dictates that they must talk, really think about what they are going to say. I believe some of them should say it out loud to themselves FIRST!
I am sure common sense would dictate to them that they should SHUT UP!

“Rain Pouring Down”

This morning at the crack of dawn I heard the pitter patter of rain drops. I looked through the window and the rain was pouring down. The area looked as though it was the end of the day. I kept looking out and the atmosphere created a nice serene mood. Oh what a beautiful morning…

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

“The S Word”

Just heard the weatherman say the ‘S’ word... SNOW! He said it's going to be falling up in the Catskills Mountains (Northwest of New York City). It seems real far from Brooklyn… When it comes to the weather, nowhere is far… from anywhere. We are all going to feel the impact of this kind of weather. It is warmer in this part of NY so we are going to get rain and the temperature is going to be plunging down… Oh boy... Here goes Fall an in comes Winter… Coats, Hats, Scarves, Gloves and Boots season…

“I Promise”

So they say. They also say that ‘A Promise is a comfort to a fool’… I say even a fool needs comfort…

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

“Weird Mission”

I was trying my best to catch the eight o’clock train because I was going to the post office to mail a very important letter. The train was two minutes away from my home so I decided to leave home five minutes to eight. When I was about to lock my front door, I realized that I didn’t have the letter, so I went back for it then hustled out the door. As I walked down the subway steps, the train was pulling into the station. I ran down the rest of the steps, got to the turnstile and swiped my metro card… The first swipe didn’t go through and I had to do it two more times. I stepped in and stood behind four people. The train doors opened and they stepped in. I looked down before I stepped on. There was a small space between the train and the platform. I step on the train and someone bumped into me. The letter fell out of my hand. It started to float downwards and I tried to grab it, but it evaded me. With great determination, I kept at it and I ended up back on the platform. The letter was on its own weird mission. The train doors closed and like a big suction cup, it pulled the letter. I watched it hit the side of the train then slide down into the small space and disappeared…


Children get their strength from their mothers….

Monday, October 24, 2011

“Women Always Hold Back”

Most men love completely… They love with their heart, mind soul and their wallet... They get weak when they fall in love... The majority of women love, but they hold back something of worth… their minds...

Sunday, October 23, 2011


The world is overcome by gluttonous people… Oh gosh put some of the food in someone else’s mouth… Gluttony –One of the seven deadly sins.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

“I Love Memory Lane”

In the seventies and the eighties everything was about having fun. The music was great then and still sounds the best. The clothes and shoes were beautiful then and you could still get away with wearing something from that era. The clothes –Tent dress, hobble, halter back, cold shoulder, midriff, mini, hipster pants/skirts, fat pants, gun mouth pants, hot pants. The shoes, cork heel, shindig boots, stone crushers, point ah tip, kick and stab, platform… There was a house party every weekend and the attitudes were the best. A nice time to remember… I love memory lane…

Friday, October 21, 2011

“A Nice Morning”

I was just saying, oh what a cold, morning it is. The sun is shining brightly, but I don’t like the chill… Here I am complaining when I suddenly heard shouting outside… This is what I heard;
Give me ah R~~~ R!
Give me ah E~~~ E!
Give me ah A~~~ A!
Give me ah D~~~ D!
What did you spell~~~ READ!
What are you going to do~~~~ READ!
When are you going to do it~~~ Everyday!
I looked through the window and there were teachers and lots of children walking and shouting with great anticipation… Oh what a nice morning this is turning out to be~~~~

“The End Of The World”

In 1994 Harold Camping predicted the rapture. He said that it didn’t happen because of a mathematical error. May 21, 2011 he had many people shakeup. He said it did not happen because the calendar was wrong. Now he is saying that it is going to happen today –October 21, 2011… As my daughter and son would say... "Oh what the –JESUS!”

Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Y ME"

Don't wonder 'Y ME'... You have to be important for them to use your name in a sentence... what you have to say is why not me...

“Exotic Animals”

Why don’t people leave the exotic animals in their habitat? Look how many of them were sadly killed because of one man’s folly… I wonder how many more reckless men like him are out there… God help us…

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

“It is Twilight”

I like mornings like these. The sky is a shady gray… It is drizzling and it is going to be pouring soon…The atmosphere is serene… It looks and feels as though it is twilight… Oh what a tranquil morning~~~Nice~~~Real nice…

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

“Make The Call”

You would never know what the answer is if you don’t make the call… YES/NO! You would prefer YES, but if NO comes just, take that negative as a great favor being done unto you… Don’t lay back and kill the dream shake off the ‘NO” and move on to the next chapter…

Monday, October 17, 2011

“The Heart”

Feeling… spirit… compassion… sympathy… empathy… sensitivity… kindness… The heart, one of our main sources for living, is embedded with emotions. As the book of Jeremiah; 17:9 says… More tortuous than all else is the human heart, beyond remedy; who can understand it?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

“His Fourth Joke”

She was lying on the bed reading a book when her husband walked into the bedroom. He had a pair of pinking shears in his hand. She felt uncomfortable because of the serious look that was on his face.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
He did not answer, but he walked quickly to the bed, grabbed one of her hands, opened the pinking shares and put her pinky finger between the blades, “I bet you that I can cut off your pinky.” He chuckled.
She felt the cold steel against her finger and she was scared, but she held in her screams.
“Aren’t you going to say anything?” he asked.
“Would it make a difference?”
“You are not afraid that I would really do it?”
She looked at him seriously and said, “Isn’t this one of your jokes?”
“I guess it is.”…

“Threading On Dangerous Ground”

You see someone doing wrong by their child/children and you want to say something, but you dare not… If you say something you are threading on dangerous ground…

Saturday, October 15, 2011

“Sweet Saturday Mornings”

Nostalgia is at its heights with me this morning because my husband is playing 80s music… Reminding me of my days at home in Trinbago doing Saturday morning chores… My brothers and sisters would be playing records on the gram… We would polish the living room floor and put on socks dancing and sliding to shine it… Those were sweet Saturday mornings…

“Oblivious To The Obvious”

A thief is oblivious to the obvious. All he/she sees is what they are about to make off with, blinded by one of the seven deadly sins –LUST…

Friday, October 14, 2011

“A Calm Tone”

Stop bellowing at your children... Talk to them in a calm tone, then listen… You will learn a lot…


At one point, fear makes you weak and in a moment it can strengthen you…

Thursday, October 13, 2011

“Their DNA”

Don’t think you could change him/her… It is not in their DNA to be kind.

“Words I Love”

Don’t Brag about tomorrow! Each day brings its own surprises. Don’t brag about yourself. Let others praise you. Stone and sand are heavy but trouble caused by a fool is a much heavier load. An angry person is dangerous, but a jealous person is even worse. A truly good friend will openly correct you. You can trust a friend who corrects you, but kisses from an enemy are nothing but lies. Prov. 27:1-6

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

“Everyday The Same Questions”

Do you have your glasses, cell phone, ID and keys? That is the questions I ask my family every morning when they are leaving home… They would all answer yes. One morning as I asked the questions, my husband said, “Oh gosh every morning, you’re asking the same questions!”
“Yeah dad, that’s mom… It sounds as though we suffer from memory loss.”
“No I don’t think that,” I said with a smile as they left… I decided not to ask the questions again, but I was waiting patiently because I knew one of them would forget something.
Two days after that conversation, the phone rang ten minutes after they left. All I said was hello and my husband said, “You made me forget my glasses!”
“You didn’t ask me if I had it.”…

“Hold On”

When a monkey is holding on by its tail, it doesn’t let go until it holds on with its hand…

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

“The More You Get”

When you are milking a cow and the udders are dry… No more milk… You see the bucket is full of milk, but you want more, so you keep pulling and pulling at the udders. The cow is going to get very angry. She is going to kick you and the bucket down…

“The Money”

In most cases following the money trail leads to heartbreak…

Monday, October 10, 2011

“His Third Joke”

It was her birthday and her husband planned a dinner party for her. The food was delicious, and the family and friends added to her joy. During the evening, her lips felt heavy. She excused herself and went to the bathroom. There were two itchy red spots on her arms, and her lips were swollen. She remembered that this happened to her when she was ten years old. Her mother made coconut ice cream and she gave her a teaspoon full to taste. She loved the taste of it, but she suddenly broke out in hives. Her lips were red and swollen and there were itchy, red blotches all over her body. She asked her husband if there was coconut in the food. He told her no, but he put a little coconut water in the fruit punch.
“What! You know that I am allergic to coconut.”
“You told me, but I wanted to see if you really were. Don’t be mad at me. It was just a joke…
Stay tuned for his fourth joke.

“Summer Canceling Winter”

I am wondering if summer is canceling winter. For the past few days, the weather has been hot, but it was supposed to be a lot cooler…. Although I really don’t mind that the weather is like this, it is not a good thing… If summer cancels, winter then global warming is on override…

Sunday, October 9, 2011

“You Just Didn't Notice It”

You look at the parents and you don’t see anything wrong with them… You look at the children and you wonder, where did they get that no-good attitude from…
They got it from their parents. You just didn’t notice it…

“If You Don’t Mean To Be”

I don’t mean to offend anyone!
I don’t mean to upset anyone!
I don’t mean to hurt anyone's feelings!
I don’t mean to be insulting!
I don’t mean to be insensitive!
Etcetera, etcetera…
Yet you say it.
If you don’t mean to be, then, don’t say it…

Saturday, October 8, 2011

“What I Believe”

Humans hurt each other physically and mentally and the one who gets hurt stay silent… They hold on to the hurt and it becomes an infection, producing pus, which cause their minds, heart and soul to ooze… Now as the pus flows out of their mouths, it goes into the ears of the people who love them…

“The Simplest Things In Life”

It is a beautiful morning… The sun is shining brightly… Not a single cloud in the sky... It is chilly… This morning reminds me of mornings in Trinbago… The only difference between the sky in NY and the sky in Trinbago… There will be clouds in the sky in Trinbago… I would be outside in the yard looking up at the clouds to see the silver linings and the formations… Can’t help but be nostalgic about the simplest things in life…

Friday, October 7, 2011

It takes one who saw one before to know what it is...

“What I Ate It With”

During pregnancy, women have the weirdest taste buds. I walked by a vegetable and fruit stand, the strawberries looked delicious, so I bought some. Thinking about what I was going to eat them with, had me salivating, so I hurried home. When I got home I washed them then I put some salt on a plate, took up one, dipped it in the salt and bit it… Oh what joy it was to my taste buds…

Thursday, October 6, 2011

“The Trumpet Voice”

When I got on the bus, there were three young men and a woman. Everyone was sitting quietly. After the fourth stops, the bus was full of school children. They were talking loud and all you could here was, “Your mother this and your mother that.” I looked at the woman and she shook her head… disgusted by their behavior. The three young men got off the bus and an elderly woman got on… The cussing was at its heights now so the bus driver told them to tone down. They started to tell him about his mother and how she made him…
The elderly woman said in a loud voice, that sounded like a trumpet, “Children, be quiet!” They all stopped talking, but the trumpet voice… (And I mean trumpet voice, in a heavenly way.), continued speaking. “Charity begins at home and ends abroad! I could imagine what takes place in your homes! Many of you probably came from honest-to-goodness homes, so your parents would be appalled by your behavior! If you don’t have anything of worth to say, sit down and shut-up!” Not a murmur was heard. All you could hear was the sound of the bus in motion.
The bus driver said, “Miss, I wish you were on my bus everyday.”

“The MAC”

The first computer I saw and typed on (I typed my first book, Leigh’s Story, on it) was a Macintosh and that was in 1989… I knew how to type on a typewriter, but the computer keyboard was the strangest thing to me… After two days I learnt the keyboard. Weeks later I was in love with the MAC… Today I still do. My family knows what I want for Christmas…

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

“His Second Joke”

Margaret did not mind going to the beach to sit or walk along the shore. She never went into the sea because the massive expanse of water scares her. Her husband always pleaded with her to go in, but she kept saying no. It got to the point where he told her that she doesn’t trust him.
“I do trust you,” she said.
“Then come to the beach with me. I promised that I would only take you up to knee height in the water and I would hold your hands.”
“Are you sure you won’t let me go?”
“I promise.”
She was trembling and she held his hand firmly as they stood near the water. “Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves. Are you hearing how gently they are rolling?”
“Don’t be afraid. I am going to walk backwards so I will be facing you at all times.”
She walked shakily into the sea and he stopped when the water got to her knees. They stood for a moment then he splashed a little water with one hand. She felt a bit comfortable, so she joined him in a water fight. They were both laughing happily. Suddenly, she did not hear his voice so she called his name, but he did not answer and she started to panic. The lenses of her glasses were blurry, so she was straining her eyes to see where he was. She moved her hands around hoping to touch him. As she was doing this she was going into the deep part of the sea. The water was now around her waist and in her panicking state, she went under. Her mouth filled with water and some went down her throat. She surfaced gaspingly tying to catch her breath, but her legs were slipping. As she started to go down again, her husband grabbed her. She stood up coughing excessively. When she caught her breath, she said, “Why did you leave me!?”
“I was right here.”
“No you were not!”
“Yes. I went under the water to hide from you.”
“You promised me that you won’t leave me! Why did you?”
“It was a joke.”….
Stay tune for his third Joke…

“This Is One Greedy World”

You think them people greedy in joke… hmm.
They want you to pay them, but they don’t want to pay you.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

“A Giggle…Hysterics”

My story for the day… Hmm. I don’t know why some people, who don’t know me and I don’t know them, think that they could tell me their woes… I was sitting next to a woman and she started to talk. The conversation about everyday situations was going nicely, then she bent closer to me and whispered, “I could tell you this. I think my neighbor is trying to hurt me spiritually.”
“Okay,” I said hoping that, that would be the end of it, but my hope disintegrated as she continued.
“She is trying to blind me.”
“Yes. I just came from the optometrist and he told me that I need stronger lenses. I know his diagnosis is not right because I bought these glasses 2 years ago.”
I looked at her with a little look of wonderment because I believe after two years most people eye sight is a bit weaker so they would need stronger lenses. She continued and I wanted to laugh because of the expression of excitement she radiated, to share her story.
“I know she is doing witchcraft against me because every time I see her, she complements me about my glasses. She is jealous of me.”
I said, “Okay. Do you mind telling me your age?”
She whispered, “79 years. I will be 80 years next week."
I didn’t want to disrespect her, but I started to giggle. She had a taken aback look on her face… My giggles were about to break out into hysterics… I shook my head to stop it…

“I Am Not Ready For It

It's just the atmosphere…
It’s chilly and, cloudy…
I was hearing the weather man on the TV this morning and he said that word… I stopped what I was doing and listened… hoping that he was not saying it was for us then he mentioned another state… I breathed a sigh of relief… Thank God SNOW is not going to be here this week… I am not ready to see or walk through it…

Monday, October 3, 2011

“Trivial Matters”

The unimportant things, in this un-forgiven world, make some of us go nuts...
A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
After the deed is done… here comes the guilt…. My mind told me not to do it! I should not have done it… I am so sorry… That’s one word I dislike intensely…


One of the 7 deadly sins~!~ A horrifying characteristic of some humans~!~ An envious person is unhappy~!~ They wish bad-luck on those persons they envy~!~ Don’t ever be surprised, by the persons who are covered with envy~!~ Just remember to be on the alert and keep your intentions hidden…

Sunday, October 2, 2011

“It Happens”

Three strikes and you are out… In some cases, one strike and he/she should be kicked out.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder… There are times when absence makes the heart express joy.
A still tongue keeps a wise head… Sometimes a still tongue reinforces your ignorance.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

“His First Joke”

She had poor vision so she needed to wear her glasses. At nights, when she went to bed, she would put them on the night table that was next to her side of the bed. On mornings, when she got up, they were the first thing she reached for.
One morning, when she got up and reached for them, they were not on the night table, so she checked the night table on her husband’s side of the bed, but they were not there. A fretful feeling crossed her mind, because she was home alone. Her husband was at work, and if she waited until he came home, to help her find it, she would be late for work. She knelt on the floor and for fifteen minutes, she slowly moved around it, passing her hands, but to no avail. Feeling aggravated, she sat down on the floor and looked around the room. Everything looked the usual way to her… blurry, but there was the shadow of a person.
“Is someone here?” She asked squinting to get a better view. There was no answer and the shadow did not move so she felt it was nothing and continued searching. Her hands touched the top of a shoe. She kept touching it until she felt an ankle. A horrifying scream came from her as she scampered away. She kept on screaming and screaming as loud as she could, hoping that the neighbors would hear her. Arms grabbed her, shaking her. “Margaret! It’s me Peter! Your husband! Calm down! Calm down!” His voice convinced her that it was him and she grabbed him, holding him tightly as her body shook violently.
“I… I lost my glasses.”
“They are right here.”
She put them on. “Where did… did you find them?”
“I came home early from work and I took them.”
“It was a joke...”

Friday, September 30, 2011

“Last Night”

It was a dark, dreary night with a chill in the air, but a song was playing around and around in my head so I started singing… ‘The sun’ll come out tomorrow~ Bet your bottom dollar~ that tomorrow` there’ll be sun!’
I woke up tomorrow which is today and the sun is shining brightly in the cloudless sky so I am singing this morning. ‘Oh what a beautiful morning~ Oh what a beautiful day~ I have a beautiful feeling~ Everything’s going my way’.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

“They Suck Out Your Dreams”

Some tell you that it doesn’t make sense that you want to do it… Others say it would be a waste of time… Some say it is not a good idea… Others say you should do it this way… Some say that you should do it that way… Others give you a list of things you should do before you do it… After they are finished with all their negative words… You feel so weary that you no longer have the energy… The drive to do it. They suck out your dreams…

"A Better Day"

Good morning to all... Remember who calms your fears... I hope today is a better day for you all than yesterday... My day started very early and I planned what I want to do... But as the old folks say make plans and God will laugh... I know he is not laughing at me because he wants me to have a better day today than yesterday... Amen and AMEN!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

“A Finger In Your Face”

I was walking towards them. They were high school students. He had an angry smirk on his face and was spitting out rebuking words. She looked scared… when I got closer, he pushed her against a wall. The pointing finger was in her face again and he said, “Don’t tell anyone you are not with me. We are together, do you hear me?!” In a trembling voice she said, “Yes.”
I wanted to say to this guy, “I could see why she doesn’t want to be with you.” On the other hand, I was thinking that the last time I saw a man pointing his finger in a woman face… A few minutes later, he was begging her to stop biting it…

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


“I couldn’t be with a woman like you. You are just too serious.”
“I couldn’t be with a man like you. You are a big…”
Before she could finish, he interrupted her. “Yes, I know that I am a big shot… I am a chief financial officer, I have lots of money in the bank, a nice car, and a beautiful home. I have everything that most men want.”
“It’s amazing that you didn’t even mention your wife and children in your list of valuables!”
“I did mention that I have a beautiful home. They all live in that home. So, I have the perfect life.”
“Yes you are a big shot... with a big-head…”

Monday, September 26, 2011


He, She or It inspires… motivates… stir… encourage… rouse… etcetera… etcetera… you! Any word out of the list you prefer is fine with me… Just don’t think that I am crazy, sinful or stupid because He, She, or It didn’t arouse me…

Sunday, September 25, 2011

“Mosquitoes Buzzing Singing”

One night I was in a deep sleep then I heard the buzzing singing mosquitoes… I got up and I looked at the time. It was 2.30AM… Pissed is an understatement to how angry I was… I looked around the bedroom then I saw two of them resting on the wall. I killed them… dead… This was in the fall season… Fall just began and last night the buzzing/singing started… Oh gosh so every fall I am going to hear them…

"Looking At The Movie"

If you don’t mean to ruin the ending… Shut-up!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

“Keep Your Mind On”

Stop giving away your worth! Don’t get tired of looking at him standing up! Don’t be anxious to see how he looks, lying on top of you! Listen to him! What comes out of his mouth is what is in his head! Keep your mind on! What you see and hear from him… is what you get!

Friday, September 23, 2011

“The Defender Always Gets Punished”

Bullying is never going to stop! There is always someone in this unforgiving world who wants to have power over someone…
He/She feels energized by his/her mean-spirit. Some of us have the skills to handle a bully some don’t… The victim’s defender gets frustrated and he/she comes face to face with the bully… Now the bully becomes the victim because he/she was taken down. The law is always on the bully’s side because the defender gets punished…

Thursday, September 22, 2011

“Owners… Their Dogs Numbers”

My usual morning walk was kinda zigzag because of the amount of dog numbers on the sidewalk… I want to know if people feel comfortable after letting their dogs do it on the sidewalk... leave it there. This is a school zone and more children than adults walk this pathway daily… People please… As the old folks say, “Charity begins at home and ends abroad.” I just could imagine the inside of their homes.
Anyway the law in NY states that perpetrators of this crime would be charged $250.00… The people who monitor the cameras should check the tapes and charge them… I am sure they would make enough money to save many teachers jobs…

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

“Two Beautiful Moments”

I was sitting on the porch with my father. We were eating toupi tambo. He, as usual, was talking about his life as a boy and I was laughing at the funny things he said. It was just a beautiful bright, sunny, fun filled morning. Suddenly, the area looked a bit shaded as though a thin layer of clouds was covering the sun. I looked up, but all I saw were hundreds of small yellow butterflies. They were all flying in one direction at a quick pace. I love butterflies, so to see so many at one time had me enchanted…

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

“A Beautiful Old Soul”

One day, I went to visit a friend. While we were chatting, she received a phone call. She said hello and listen for less than five minutes then she gently put the phone on the coffee table. We continued talking for about ten minutes then she said, “Hold your last word.”
I stopped talking and she picked up the phone, listened, then she said, “Yes. It’s true. You are so right.” After she said that, she put the phone down and she said to me, “What were you saying?”
“I will continue, but is there someone on the phone?”
“Yes my aunt. She is 90 years old. When she calls, she talks and talks. I usually put the phone on speaker and listen while I do my everyday jobs. At different times, I would say something to her.”
“Does she answer?”
“Not to what I am saying. She talks about things she did when she was a child. Some of things I remember hearing about so it’s a beautiful trip down memory lane with her.”
“Don’t you ever get bored, hearing her stories?”
“No. She is just a beautiful old soul, who tells great stories.”
“Do you mind putting her on the speaker-phone?” I asked feeling a bit thrilled to hear her.
“No. I don’t mind.” She smiled happily as she pressed the speaker button.
Her Aunt’s voice sounded strong. She talked slowly, but on point about her life. I was completely enthralled by her tale…

Monday, September 19, 2011

“An Intimate Encounter”

So many children are being killed by the hands of the boyfriend/stepfather. Some women with children are involved with men who abuse their children. They don’t object to this kind of treatment, because they believe… They are in love with the man and he loves them…The man would leave them if they object… They dislike the child because he/she looks like their biological father… The woman has an extreme dislike for the child’s father. Whatever the reason, there must have been a good moment with this man, because she was enticed to have a deep intimate encounter with him…


Winter is coming but fall is here and ragweed is in bloom... Itchy eyes, nose and throat; Runny nose and teary eyes… sneezing is also included. Are you taking your Cod liver Oil capsules and vitamin C? It’s time to build up your immune system to face this weather...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

“My Sugar Rush”

I am having a sugar rush this morning, but I am ignoring my favorite cookies –Oreo, Rough Top and Keebler Fudge Stripes Original.
Five o’clock this morning, I walked by the cookie container and there was, one pack of Oreos and two bags of Rough Tops. “No. It is too early,” I whispered then I decided to make a cup of coffee. When I opened the refrigerator, sitting on a shelf was a pack of Keebler –Fudge Stripes Original. I closed the fridge and walked out of the kitchen. Temptation is at its heights so very early in the morning.
I counted the hours then at seven thirty, I decided that I needed my cup of coffee. When I was finished making it, I took a sip, it tasted real good… sweet. I kept sipping, and looking at the container of cookies. It was now seven fifty and I was trying to convincing myself that one cookie wouldn’t hurt. The pack of Rough Tops was what my taste buds, was craving. I took one and bit into it, eating it slowly hoping to make the taste linger so I wouldn’t want another… hmm. It was real good, so I popped another into my mouth then another. Six cookies later, I decided that, that was enough but…


Thank God for making me see another day… If you are reading this, thank God. Amen and AMEN!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

“Answer The Question”

Your child asked you a question and your answer to him/her… “You are beside yourself! You too farse! You too nosey!”
No one wants their child/children to be stupid. Share your knowledge! Answer the question…

“What Is Love”

Love is a golden Cord. It binds together. If one is full of love he does not need commands of any kind… Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus the Christ.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Lin had lunch with him on a number of occasions and on this occasion it was the same. Her heart was in a delightful mood because everything about him enticed her… The way he intonated words, the way they flowed smoothly from his beautiful lips and he said all the things she wanted to hear. She was in love with him. He, on the other hand, was thinking that she was a good friend, who was a good listener and he hoped she wasn’t reading more into his kindness.

“It Is Cold”

I went outside this morning and it was cold so I thought by lunch time it would be a bit warmer. I wasn’t! Now it is 4:30PM and it is cold... So I guess that this cold autumn day is the beginning of… Oh shivering~ ~ ~ ~ –WINTER!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


“What goes into the mouth does not defile a man, but it is what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man.” Matt. 15:11.
Oh gosh!!! The things I am seeing and hearing… hmm!!! Defilement is at its heights!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Could never be the foundation of a home… A home built on sex comes cascading down… climax!

“Be Ready”

That one thing that you really want/don’t want, can come to you in a flash… be careful what you ask for!


Gone is the age of innocence… Life lost is a treasure gone.


Some people’s role in life is to notify society about your status…

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

“She was Cocksure”

The interview was in two parts. After the first part, she was cocksure that she got the job. She felt that her qualifications and her effortless response to the questions was a plus.
The interviewer felt that she was too verbose. After ten minutes, he decided that this wordy candidate was fired…

Monday, September 12, 2011


“Secrets… HURT.
Deceit… DESTROY.
Jealousy… A KILLER.


The summer skated by so quickly. I just can't believe it... I complained about the heat over and over again... I am not even going to say anything about autumn because before you know it, winter is going to be here. I am getting set to complain about the cold over and over again...Oh gosh, here we go again...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

“Man Is Hurting Man”

I woke up the morning of 9/11/2001 at 5:00AM, feeling good. My husband left for work, my son for school and I was getting my daughter dressed for daycare. The television was on, but I wasn’t looking or listen to it.
My daughter said, “Mommy look, the building burning.”
There was fire and black smoke, coming from one of the World Trade Center buildings. It was so surreal that I said, “They are probably filming a movie.”
Although I was thinking along those lines, I started to listen to the news. The reporter said that a plane crashed into one of the WTC buildings.
I took my daughter to daycare. Everyone I met was talking about the plane crash. For some reason, it felt as though a dark cloud had descended on New York. I dropped off my daughter, hurried home and sat in front of the television. As I looked at it, a plane came on the screen. It was flying towards WTC and I thought that this was a replay of the first plane crash. I gasped in shocked, as the reporter said that this was another plane. I looked through the window and thick black smoke was moving across the sky. The reporter then said that another plane crashed into the Pentagon. This was the third plane that crashed into buildings. I wondered what was going on and my heart was racing. A bitter taste was in my mouth… Fear was embedded deep within me, but I was thinking that man was at it again. He was hurting man…

Saturday, September 10, 2011

“I love Saturdays”

There is something about Saturdays that puts me in a tranquil mood… from childhood and it never fails. It doesn’t matter where I am, the moment I wake up, the feelings starts…
It is twilight and the tranquil mood is there. A moment of melancholy sets into my mood, but I still love Saturdays…

Friday, September 9, 2011

I have so much that I want to say about this world that is being overcome by…

“Little Boys”

I remember little boys in Trinbago used to wear short pants… They used to be anxiously waiting on the age when they would step into long pants… Now, little boys are wearing long pants… playing man.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

“A Creepy Moment

You open your front door at 6:00 o’clock in the morning because you are heading to work… What do you see? A man sleeping on the steps that leads to the roof. Oh what a creepy moment. You step back inside and you close the door. Now you are wondering if you should get your two by four piece of wood or call the police…


‘Silence Is Golden’… So they say. I did not blog for two days and the silence was mind-numbing… At that point in my life silence was not golden…

Monday, September 5, 2011

Think seriously about the importance of staying on track… Don’t channel your aspirations off course!”

Sunday, September 4, 2011

“A New Day”

A new day is dawning. It is the beginning of the new chapter in your life. Yesterday’s chapter is your history. Let go of the thoughts of stressful situations, failure or thoughts of wanting to be like someone else. Start your new chapter to the best of your ability, making it noteworthy…

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Before honor is humility and a haughty spirit before a fall… (The Pilgrim’s Progress – John Bunyan)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Matt. 6:34 – Do not be anxious about tomorrow; for tomorrow will have anxieties of its own: sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

“A Child’s Forte”

Innocence is a child’s forte… The adult in his/her life must put on the strong suit of nurturing. When the child, say or do something that is tactless, it may seem funny and the adults laugh along with the child.
In most cases, that is a mistake… The adult is supposed to inform the child that what he/she did is morally wrong. If the opportunity is missed to teach good ethics, then there will be problems…

Thursday, September 1, 2011

“No One Understands Stupidity”

They all felt that their friend was being mistreated by his wife, but they did not say anything to him. ‘STUPID’ was the label they attached to him.
One day, they were hanging out and he called to let them know he wasn’t coming.
“I am sure it’s because of Shelley why he is not coming! You guys gave him the right name –Stupid!” Marion shouted as she hung up the phone. Her grandmother walked by in time to hear her and she asked why they labeled their friend… ‘Stupid’. After they told her why, she said, “When you see someone doing something and you deem them to be stupid, your mind did not comprehend the significance of their actions. The truth of the matter is… No one understands stupidity!”

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

“Life Is Like A Game”

It was very hard for Grace to leave the home she grew up in, but she did. At college, she met her husband and he was a great conversationalist. After talking with him, there is always something that is worth taking note of. One of his statements; “Life is like a game of drafts. When you are looking at the game as it is being played, you see all the moves, but when you are playing, you don’t see the moves.”
Listening to that statement and playing it around and around in her head opened her eyes to reality. The people she grew up with mentally mistreated her, but she did not see it while she was living with them...

"Independence Day"


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


A child lives with hope…
Hoping that the next time you would treat him/her better than you did before… so he/she comes into your circle once more, with great expectation…
KINDNESS has to be within for you to dish it out…

Monday, August 29, 2011

“Kids Say It At The Wrong Time”

I was standing on line with my son and daughter to ask a woman, who looked standoffish, a question. She started to berate a man, who calmly stood listening to her. My son said to his sister, “Don’t you find that she looks like a turkey that is looking up at the rain?” My daughter started to laugh and I smiled. My son had a “matter-of-fact” look on his face… His expression brought on more fits of laughter from my daughter and I started to giggle. The woman at the counter said, “Next!” I took a deep breath, willing myself to keep a straight-face, as I stood in front of her…

Sunday, August 28, 2011

“Irene Was Here”

She was here with pouring rain… I didn’t hear the thunder or see the lightening… I fell asleep. When I woke up this morning and I looked through the windows, all the trees are still standing and everything looks clean. My neighborhood seems to be intact. I know if I take a walk through it, a different story will be told…

Saturday, August 27, 2011

“Hurricane Irene”

It is calm… The sky is gray… It is raining… and it is humid… This is what the day feels and looks like today, but tomorrow is another story… Hurricane Irene… She is expected to arrive in New York by 8AM in the morning…

Friday, August 26, 2011

“Hurricane Tempest Cyclone”

They are calling Irene a hurricane, but the way she is looking coming up the coast, 430 miles wide… packing winds of more than 160 miles an hour… hmm. She should be called Tempest… nah Cyclone because she is coming with great force…
I am getting prepared for the Tempest – Flash light, water, food, get set go bag and I am praying like I never prayed before… But one thing is missing – A PITCHOIL LAMP!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Pray For Trinidad & Tobago"

To all Trinbagonians in this trying time... Pray like you never prayed before....
Steady my footsteps because of your promise and let no iniquity rule over me. Psalm 119:133

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

“A Funny Moment”

“Who’s going to do the dishes,” I asked
“Not me, but Susan is,” said Peter.
“Why does he always have to call my name?”
“Is it because he always washes the dishes?’
“I wash the dishes too.”
“You hardly do.”
“Mom, I am going to press charges because you guys always team up against me…”
“I am calling dad.”

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"Earthquake In New York"

I was sitting at my desk, on the computer then my desk started to shake. My children were the first ones to bring my attention to it. Every thing was shaking so we started to head for the front door to stand under the doorframe. It was shaking and shaking... The neighbors all came out… then it stopped… The news report said it measured 5.9 and the center was in Virginia….

Monday, August 22, 2011

“No Respect For Curiosity”

He knew what curiosity did to the cat, but he did not care because he needed to know if she was cheating on him. After she left the house, he got in his car and he followed her. Thirty-five minutes later, she stopped in front of Lester’s (his best friend) home got out of her car and rang the doorbell.
Lester opened the door and greeted her the same way he usually did… with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She walked in and Lester closed the door.
He parked his car, walked quietly to a window and looked in, but he did not see anyone, so he walked to the back door. The door was slightly ajar and he walked up to it. He heard voices, but he couldn’t hear clearly, so he moved closer. Suddenly the door opened and Lester’s daughter screamed, “Uncle Mike, you scared me!”
“I am so sorry,” he said and stood there feeling like a cent as his wife, Lester’s wife and his mother stared at him…

Sunday, August 21, 2011

“The Saddest Poem I Ever Read”

In elementary school, there was always a sad story/poem, in our reading books. We all read the stories or recited the poems when our teachers told us too. The saddest poem I ever read;

‘O Mary, go and call the cattle home,
And call the cattle home,
And call the cattle home,
Across the sands of Dee.’
The western wind was wild and dark with foam,
And all alone went she.

The western tide crept up along the sand,
And o’er and o’er the sand,
And round and round the sand,
As far as eye could see.
The rolling mist came down and hid the land:
And never home came she.

‘O is it weed, or fish, or floating hair—
A tress of golden hair,
A drownèd maiden’s hair,
Above the nets at sea?’
Was never salmon yet that shone so fair
Among the stakes of Dee.

They row’d her in across the rolling foam,
The cruel crawling foam,
The cruel hungry foam,
To her grave beside the sea.
But still the boatmen hear her call the cattle home,
Across the sands of Dee.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

“Electric Shock”

The last time I got an electrical shock, I was about 16 yrs. I was fixing a plug... cut the wires and put it around a screw, but I was in a hurry and I did not do it right… When I plugged it in the outlet… a big spark and zzzzzzzz… Shock… Scream!!!
The second shock in my life happened last night… One of the bulbs blew in the refrigerator about a week ago. A replacement bulb was purchased, but it was put on the kitchen counter then it ended up on top of the fridge… hmm.
Last night, I made a jug of ice tea. As I was about to put it in the fridge, my hand hit the edge of the shelf and some spilled. I started to clean up the spill and as I wiped the spot for the bulb… zzzzzzzz… shock… Scream!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

“Movie Night”

My son insisted that his father and I watch a movie that he said was good. If I looked at 30 minutes of the movie I saw a lot... Machete! And that is all I am going to say about that movie.

“Lie Versus Truth”

It is easier for someone to believe a lie about you than the truth…

Thursday, August 18, 2011

“Every Elderly Trinbagonian Was A Doctor”

When I was growing up in Trinidad and Tobago, every elderly woman/man was a doctor… I listened to my mother talking to the neighbor. The neighbor was telling her that she was going to the doctor because she was having; headaches, blurred vision and dizziness.
“Girl you don’t have to go to the doctor for that… You have high blood pressure. Cut down on salt.”
She told her she did cut down on salt but it did not help... "My head still hurts and my vision is still blurred."
Get some Bois Canon –Bwah-kah-no leaves boil them and drink a cup of it for nine days… Come and tell me how you feel after.”
The neighbor turned back and went under the Bwah-kah-no tree and she picked up some leaves… Two days after, she started drinking it she came to my mother and told her that she was feeling better than ever...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

“The Sunset Hits The Flower”

At the end of the road, there were 3 red and yellow poles. After the poles, there was a slight grassy incline that led to a swamp. During the dry season, a part of the swamp dries up and we played on it. There were plants, guppies, little conch, tadpoles, etc., in the swamp. If you stand on the road and look straight ahead, all you could see were the green plants, a road in the distance then the horizon. The plants started blooming purple lilies that had a tinge of yellow. At a certain time of the year, you could see hundreds of black birds nesting in the swamp. It was a nice scenic view then an extra ordinary event took place in the middle of the swamp. A large taller green plant sprung up. Weeks later, it blooms a bright red flower… The sunset hits the flower and the gentle breeze blowing it… Aflame!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

“Noteworthy Statements”

Two young men, from two different cultures, made two noteworthy statements.
The first young man helped his mother while she was being mugged. He overpowered the mugger and the police was able to apprehend the thug… He was told that he was a hero. He said, “I did what any child would do if he/she loved their mother... That doesn’t make me a hero.”
The second young man saved someone from drowning.
“You are a hero,” said the reporter.
He said, “Why am I a hero? All I did was save one person from drowning… I did not save the world”…

Monday, August 15, 2011

“Children By Themselves In Stores”

I would always talk about this every time I see it because no one is safe, especially children… Last weekend, I was out shopping and I was astounded by the way some mothers/fathers leave their children by themselves in the store… This was the trend in every store I went too. Some of the children were as young as 4 years old. These children were either touching items or just playing between the clothes… I was thinking that these parents did not hear about the child that was recently sexually abused, in a store…

Sunday, August 14, 2011

“This Sunday”

What can I say about this Sunday? It’s the first day of the week… Yes but it’s a rainy, lightening flashing, thunderous morning in New York... I had a hearty breakfast ... All I am going to say about this day is, "Thank God for making me see it”....

Saturday, August 13, 2011

“A Piece Of The Action”

Most women see the man and they don’t like him and wouldn’t date him for so many reasons… He is a bit overweight, not good-looking, the wrong complexion, doesn’t have the right job, not a lot of money, not a debonair dresser, not very perceptive, and so forth and so fifths… The moment their friend starts dating him, and they see their friend blooming in love and intimacy, the man becomes attractive to them… They are now trying their best to get a piece of that action… hmm.

Friday, August 12, 2011

“Under The Tree In Trinbago”

I woke up this morning with my mind far away… This morning feels and looks like a morning in Trinbago.
One morning just like this, my teacher had a brilliant idea. She said, “We are going to sit under the tree. Form two lines, the boys in one line and the girls in the other. One of the boys, bring my chair.” An argument started because all the boys wanted to carry the chair. Tugging and pulling of the chair started. "Oh drama!" I think teachers know that situations like these would ensue but they love to create them.
After she broke-up the situation and indicated who should carry her chair, she started singing and we joined in… “The grand old duke of York~ He had ten thousand men"~ We sat under the tree and it was a morning of story telling… everyone had something to say… when I started my story, everyone was asking me if it was true…

Thursday, August 11, 2011

“Work Done Is Task Delivered… You Pay”

Jeff did a job for a wealthy man and he charged him eighty dollars. After the man checked that everything was working perfectly, he told him that he was going to the bank to get the money. The man left and his father offered Jeff a seat, so he sat reading a book while the father looked at the television. An hour went by, and the man did not return, so Jeff said to the father, “Where is your son? He needs to pay me so I could be on my way.”
The father phoned the son then hung up… “My son said that he is sorry, but he had to take care of another situation and he would appreciate it if you can comes back tomorrow for the money.”
“Listen to me, you call him and tell him that he read the contract and it states, ‘Work done is task delivered… You pay’!”
“I will pay you!” The father shouted in an angry tone, dug his hand in his pocket, took out his wallet and shoved the money at Jeff...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

“Cheating Rejuvenates Him”

He dated Margo when he was in his mid-thirties. She enticed him and stroked his intellect, but he was not the marrying kind. Their relationship ended because she found out about the two women he was involved with. One of them had a daughter for him and the other was about to give birth. He felt hurt that she did not believe that he had her down as the number one woman in his life. Twenty-five years later at sixty, he has never been married, but was living with a woman named Christine, and he was having a rendezvous with another woman. It was amazing to him that at his age he still felt vigorous. He knew that his lifestyle was the cause of this so he had no intentions of changing.
A friend told him that he saw Margo and she looks more beautiful that ever. He felt anxious to see her and when he did, it triggered feelings that he thought were died. They started a liaison and he felt that it was easy for him to do it because they both lived in different countries. Late one night, he was conversing with Margo on the phone. For a moment he got absorbed by the deep intimate flow of their conversation and he asked her to marry him. She accepted his proposal and he was blinded by his feelings that he told her he was coming on a vacation, with a ring… When he hung up the phone and turned around, Christine was leaning on the doorframe.
“You are going on vacation where, and who is the ring for?” she asked…

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

“Scary Times”

So much is going on in the world… If you listen to the news, you would not leave your home… All over the world, we are living in scary times… Gone were the days when we only had to worry about Lugarhoos –werewolves, Douens –Spirits, La diablesse –Witches, etc…

Monday, August 8, 2011

“The Fool And His Money”

A client walked into his office and paid him one thousand dollars. He decided that he was keeping the money to himself, because if he gave it to his wife she would spend it. Although she tells him what she does with the money, he did not believe her, and he felt that some of her spending was un-necessary. After writing a receipt for the money and the client left, his mind was roaming with ideas about what to do with, the ten one hundred dollar bills. One of the things he decided to do was to hide it from his wife. He knew if he put it in the bank, she would find out. At the moment, he couldn’t think of a place to hide it, so he took off his shoes and placed five hundred dollars in each. He put on his shoes, tied the laces, then he went to check on his staff to make sure that they were all doing their tasks. Some were having problems, so he helped correct them. His day was filled with many situations and most of them were spent on his feet… walking. When he got home and sat down, he started to tell his wife about his day. She sat on the floor and proceeded to take off his shoes… He did not remember the money that was in his shoes.
She took off one side of his shoes and socks. The sole of the sock was green and there were small pieces of green paper in the shoe… After she took off the other side, she asked, “Why, are there green pieces of paper in your shoes?”…

Sunday, August 7, 2011

“The Jones”

You want to live like Mister and Mistress Jones, but Mister and Mistress Jones don’t give a damn about you!


You log on online to do a search and here comes the pop ups… You win a this… You win a that… All you won is a virus…

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Trying To Build Rome”

All day I have been trying to build Rome, by doing this and that and the other... Just realized that Rome wasn't built in a day... Thank God I figured that out at 9:30PM...

“The Tree On 7th Street”

I love trees and this tree was the best tree I have ever seen, since I was a child. It stood more than one hundred feet tall. The branches spread out as though it was saying, “Hallelujah… I am the tallest tree in the neighborhood, not just the neighborhood, but the tallest tree in Point Fortin.” The tree was a landmark. Ships used it to guide them as they dock, at the Point Fortin Jetty. I walked by the tree on many occasions… At times, I stood under it and look up. All I saw were branches and leaves. I couldn’t see the sky. I migrated to the US leaving lots of important people and things behind… the tree was one of the important things… One day, my mom phoned me and she said, “You wouldn’t believe what just happened?”
“What happened?” I asked feeling a bit apprehensive.
“Your father and I, was sitting on the porch talking when we suddenly heard a loud lingering cry… It was going on and on. I asked him, what was that piteous cry? He said that it sounds as though a tree is about to fall.”
“Oh! No! Mom! Not the tree on 7th Street!”
“Yes. We just heard the loud crash…

Friday, August 5, 2011

“Secrets Hurt So Bad”

Secrets are nourished by lies… In order to make sure it remains a secret, you have to lie. ‘I don’t know’, is one of the nourishment for the secret.
I met a man who told me that for many years he believed that the woman he grew up with was his mother and her children were his siblings. He eventually found out that one of his so-called sisters was actually his mother.
When his mother got pregnant with him, she was sent away to the country to have the baby. When she returned with him, his grandparents told her that she must tell everyone that he was her brother and she was never to mention his father. His father didn’t even know he had a son.
Twenty-two years later, he met his father, but he didn’t know that the man was… His father was also his girlfriend’s father.
Secrets hurt so bad… especially when they become overt…

Thursday, August 4, 2011

“You Did Not Try Your Best”

You have a talent… a dream… your passion. It is your gift from God. He makes no mistake when he gives it to you. He implants it deep within your heart, mind and soul so the drive is there for you to accomplish it.
The moment you start working on fulfilling your dream, fear and doubt step in. Humans, energizes those two evils… When they cross your path, they try their best to convince you that what you are doing is a waste of time.
Many of them will ask, “What makes you think that you can do it?” Some will list out reasons why you shouldn’t do it. To make sure you don’t do it they will point you in the direction of his/her or someone else’s dreams.
In-the-meantime you think that you are trying your best to fulfill it, but failure touches everything you try… Now this failure is energized by these humans…

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

“The Married Man With The Happy Smile”

The moment Louise saw him she did not like him, because of his happy smile… It was creepy. He was married and he attended church with his wife. His wife sits on one side of the church, and he on the other. Louise asked about this, and he said that he prefers it that way.
His wife was pleasant, yet she always seems uncomfortable when Louise was around. Many people told Louise that the man likes her and they believed that his wife knows. Louise tries her best to make her feel comfortable, but she avoids the husband.
The church’s pastor asked Louise to head a committee and she accepted. She picked some people to help, deliberately passing-over the man. The man kept asking to be a member of the group, but Louise was adamant that there were no more spaces available. He complained to the pastor who called Louise letting her know that he added the man to the group. She felt cornered and had no choice, but to communicate with him. He called her home on different occasions regarding the group’s business. After he talked about the group, he would ask a personal question in a clever way. She in turn would answer him imprecisely, then ended the conversation… He recently started to call her home everyday and she did not answer his calls. During one of the church services, she went to use the restroom. After she was finished and she stepped out of the restroom, the married man was standing outside the door with a happy smile on his face…

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

“The Breath Of Life”

God blew a breath of air into my nostrils… I took a deep breath and I cried from the joy of it… I am thankful to God for blessing me with the breath of life to celebrate another birthday.

Monday, August 1, 2011

“An Ugly Disposition”

Not because you have an ugly disposition, you have to act the part. This morning, I was walking with my daughter to the bus stop. We were having a great conversation and she asked me to ride the bus with her. I found a metro card in my purse and also some change just in case the card had no money. We boarded the bus around 8:10 at Beverly and Flatbush. She was heading to Brooklyn College for her classes, so she paid with her bus-pass and I tried to pay with my metrocard. There were no rides on it, so I said that I will pay with cash. I opened my purse, then I realized my daughter was sitting and talking to her friend, so I decided to get of the bus. As I was about to get off, the driver closed the door.
“Can you please let me off of the bus,” I said in a calm tone.
He started to shout at me. “Are you daring me to let you off of the bus?”
“No, but are you going too?”
He pulled away from the curb and continued driving his route, he also continued berating me.
“You got on the bus, knowing that your metrocard had no rides.”
“What? Sir I didn’t know that. I am going to pay cash.” I sat down and counted the change, while he continued showing me that his ugly disposition was outside and inside…
Everyone on the bus looked appalled and they were making soft remarks about him… He even said to me that it was only because of my daughter he is allowing me to stay on the bus… Oh gosh, he was lucky it was because of my daughter I didn’t tell him how his mother made him…

Sunday, July 31, 2011

“Eating Organic Was The Norm For Trinbagonians”

For the greater part of my life I ate organic food and I did not pay close attention to it. It was the most natural thing... My father had a beautiful garden which he planted as a hobby… He killed weeds by rooting them up with his hands or by using his hoe, rake, spade, fork, etcetera… Pesticide and herbicides were never used in his garden and in most of the gardens in Trinbago… Fertilizer was cow dung and it was all natural, because the cows ate grass. Goats and sheep also ate grass. They all grazed in the fields and savannahs. We had chickens, ducks and turkeys. They all ate corn and water-grass… When I think about the plates of food that I ate when I lived in Trinidad and Tobago… hmm!!! Every single thing on it was organic…

Saturday, July 30, 2011

“My Mother Is A Baker”

My mother baked every Saturday. She baked bread, sweet bread, coconut drops, cake, coconut tarts, pone and currants rolls. Everything was done from scratch. We were her helpers. Blessed was the day that my dad bought a blender, but it did not matter to her… We had to use the grater to grate the coconut and cassava, the mortar and pestle, to pound the cinnamon, clove and other spices, and a wooden spoon and a bowl to cream the butter and sugar. After all the ingredients were prepared, the baking started and the house smelt heavenly…