Saturday, August 20, 2011

“Electric Shock”

The last time I got an electrical shock, I was about 16 yrs. I was fixing a plug... cut the wires and put it around a screw, but I was in a hurry and I did not do it right… When I plugged it in the outlet… a big spark and zzzzzzzz… Shock… Scream!!!
The second shock in my life happened last night… One of the bulbs blew in the refrigerator about a week ago. A replacement bulb was purchased, but it was put on the kitchen counter then it ended up on top of the fridge… hmm.
Last night, I made a jug of ice tea. As I was about to put it in the fridge, my hand hit the edge of the shelf and some spilled. I started to clean up the spill and as I wiped the spot for the bulb… zzzzzzzz… shock… Scream!!!

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