Monday, August 22, 2011

“No Respect For Curiosity”

He knew what curiosity did to the cat, but he did not care because he needed to know if she was cheating on him. After she left the house, he got in his car and he followed her. Thirty-five minutes later, she stopped in front of Lester’s (his best friend) home got out of her car and rang the doorbell.
Lester opened the door and greeted her the same way he usually did… with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She walked in and Lester closed the door.
He parked his car, walked quietly to a window and looked in, but he did not see anyone, so he walked to the back door. The door was slightly ajar and he walked up to it. He heard voices, but he couldn’t hear clearly, so he moved closer. Suddenly the door opened and Lester’s daughter screamed, “Uncle Mike, you scared me!”
“I am so sorry,” he said and stood there feeling like a cent as his wife, Lester’s wife and his mother stared at him…

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