Friday, August 12, 2011

“Under The Tree In Trinbago”

I woke up this morning with my mind far away… This morning feels and looks like a morning in Trinbago.
One morning just like this, my teacher had a brilliant idea. She said, “We are going to sit under the tree. Form two lines, the boys in one line and the girls in the other. One of the boys, bring my chair.” An argument started because all the boys wanted to carry the chair. Tugging and pulling of the chair started. "Oh drama!" I think teachers know that situations like these would ensue but they love to create them.
After she broke-up the situation and indicated who should carry her chair, she started singing and we joined in… “The grand old duke of York~ He had ten thousand men"~ We sat under the tree and it was a morning of story telling… everyone had something to say… when I started my story, everyone was asking me if it was true…

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