Wednesday, August 3, 2011

“The Married Man With The Happy Smile”

The moment Louise saw him she did not like him, because of his happy smile… It was creepy. He was married and he attended church with his wife. His wife sits on one side of the church, and he on the other. Louise asked about this, and he said that he prefers it that way.
His wife was pleasant, yet she always seems uncomfortable when Louise was around. Many people told Louise that the man likes her and they believed that his wife knows. Louise tries her best to make her feel comfortable, but she avoids the husband.
The church’s pastor asked Louise to head a committee and she accepted. She picked some people to help, deliberately passing-over the man. The man kept asking to be a member of the group, but Louise was adamant that there were no more spaces available. He complained to the pastor who called Louise letting her know that he added the man to the group. She felt cornered and had no choice, but to communicate with him. He called her home on different occasions regarding the group’s business. After he talked about the group, he would ask a personal question in a clever way. She in turn would answer him imprecisely, then ended the conversation… He recently started to call her home everyday and she did not answer his calls. During one of the church services, she went to use the restroom. After she was finished and she stepped out of the restroom, the married man was standing outside the door with a happy smile on his face…

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