Wednesday, August 10, 2011

“Cheating Rejuvenates Him”

He dated Margo when he was in his mid-thirties. She enticed him and stroked his intellect, but he was not the marrying kind. Their relationship ended because she found out about the two women he was involved with. One of them had a daughter for him and the other was about to give birth. He felt hurt that she did not believe that he had her down as the number one woman in his life. Twenty-five years later at sixty, he has never been married, but was living with a woman named Christine, and he was having a rendezvous with another woman. It was amazing to him that at his age he still felt vigorous. He knew that his lifestyle was the cause of this so he had no intentions of changing.
A friend told him that he saw Margo and she looks more beautiful that ever. He felt anxious to see her and when he did, it triggered feelings that he thought were died. They started a liaison and he felt that it was easy for him to do it because they both lived in different countries. Late one night, he was conversing with Margo on the phone. For a moment he got absorbed by the deep intimate flow of their conversation and he asked her to marry him. She accepted his proposal and he was blinded by his feelings that he told her he was coming on a vacation, with a ring… When he hung up the phone and turned around, Christine was leaning on the doorframe.
“You are going on vacation where, and who is the ring for?” she asked…

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