Monday, August 1, 2011

“An Ugly Disposition”

Not because you have an ugly disposition, you have to act the part. This morning, I was walking with my daughter to the bus stop. We were having a great conversation and she asked me to ride the bus with her. I found a metro card in my purse and also some change just in case the card had no money. We boarded the bus around 8:10 at Beverly and Flatbush. She was heading to Brooklyn College for her classes, so she paid with her bus-pass and I tried to pay with my metrocard. There were no rides on it, so I said that I will pay with cash. I opened my purse, then I realized my daughter was sitting and talking to her friend, so I decided to get of the bus. As I was about to get off, the driver closed the door.
“Can you please let me off of the bus,” I said in a calm tone.
He started to shout at me. “Are you daring me to let you off of the bus?”
“No, but are you going too?”
He pulled away from the curb and continued driving his route, he also continued berating me.
“You got on the bus, knowing that your metrocard had no rides.”
“What? Sir I didn’t know that. I am going to pay cash.” I sat down and counted the change, while he continued showing me that his ugly disposition was outside and inside…
Everyone on the bus looked appalled and they were making soft remarks about him… He even said to me that it was only because of my daughter he is allowing me to stay on the bus… Oh gosh, he was lucky it was because of my daughter I didn’t tell him how his mother made him…

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