Monday, August 8, 2011

“The Fool And His Money”

A client walked into his office and paid him one thousand dollars. He decided that he was keeping the money to himself, because if he gave it to his wife she would spend it. Although she tells him what she does with the money, he did not believe her, and he felt that some of her spending was un-necessary. After writing a receipt for the money and the client left, his mind was roaming with ideas about what to do with, the ten one hundred dollar bills. One of the things he decided to do was to hide it from his wife. He knew if he put it in the bank, she would find out. At the moment, he couldn’t think of a place to hide it, so he took off his shoes and placed five hundred dollars in each. He put on his shoes, tied the laces, then he went to check on his staff to make sure that they were all doing their tasks. Some were having problems, so he helped correct them. His day was filled with many situations and most of them were spent on his feet… walking. When he got home and sat down, he started to tell his wife about his day. She sat on the floor and proceeded to take off his shoes… He did not remember the money that was in his shoes.
She took off one side of his shoes and socks. The sole of the sock was green and there were small pieces of green paper in the shoe… After she took off the other side, she asked, “Why, are there green pieces of paper in your shoes?”…

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