Saturday, August 6, 2011

“The Tree On 7th Street”

I love trees and this tree was the best tree I have ever seen, since I was a child. It stood more than one hundred feet tall. The branches spread out as though it was saying, “Hallelujah… I am the tallest tree in the neighborhood, not just the neighborhood, but the tallest tree in Point Fortin.” The tree was a landmark. Ships used it to guide them as they dock, at the Point Fortin Jetty. I walked by the tree on many occasions… At times, I stood under it and look up. All I saw were branches and leaves. I couldn’t see the sky. I migrated to the US leaving lots of important people and things behind… the tree was one of the important things… One day, my mom phoned me and she said, “You wouldn’t believe what just happened?”
“What happened?” I asked feeling a bit apprehensive.
“Your father and I, was sitting on the porch talking when we suddenly heard a loud lingering cry… It was going on and on. I asked him, what was that piteous cry? He said that it sounds as though a tree is about to fall.”
“Oh! No! Mom! Not the tree on 7th Street!”
“Yes. We just heard the loud crash…

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