Thursday, October 6, 2011

“The Trumpet Voice”

When I got on the bus, there were three young men and a woman. Everyone was sitting quietly. After the fourth stops, the bus was full of school children. They were talking loud and all you could here was, “Your mother this and your mother that.” I looked at the woman and she shook her head… disgusted by their behavior. The three young men got off the bus and an elderly woman got on… The cussing was at its heights now so the bus driver told them to tone down. They started to tell him about his mother and how she made him…
The elderly woman said in a loud voice, that sounded like a trumpet, “Children, be quiet!” They all stopped talking, but the trumpet voice… (And I mean trumpet voice, in a heavenly way.), continued speaking. “Charity begins at home and ends abroad! I could imagine what takes place in your homes! Many of you probably came from honest-to-goodness homes, so your parents would be appalled by your behavior! If you don’t have anything of worth to say, sit down and shut-up!” Not a murmur was heard. All you could hear was the sound of the bus in motion.
The bus driver said, “Miss, I wish you were on my bus everyday.”

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