Tuesday, October 25, 2011

“Weird Mission”

I was trying my best to catch the eight o’clock train because I was going to the post office to mail a very important letter. The train was two minutes away from my home so I decided to leave home five minutes to eight. When I was about to lock my front door, I realized that I didn’t have the letter, so I went back for it then hustled out the door. As I walked down the subway steps, the train was pulling into the station. I ran down the rest of the steps, got to the turnstile and swiped my metro card… The first swipe didn’t go through and I had to do it two more times. I stepped in and stood behind four people. The train doors opened and they stepped in. I looked down before I stepped on. There was a small space between the train and the platform. I step on the train and someone bumped into me. The letter fell out of my hand. It started to float downwards and I tried to grab it, but it evaded me. With great determination, I kept at it and I ended up back on the platform. The letter was on its own weird mission. The train doors closed and like a big suction cup, it pulled the letter. I watched it hit the side of the train then slide down into the small space and disappeared…

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