Monday, October 10, 2011

“His Third Joke”

It was her birthday and her husband planned a dinner party for her. The food was delicious, and the family and friends added to her joy. During the evening, her lips felt heavy. She excused herself and went to the bathroom. There were two itchy red spots on her arms, and her lips were swollen. She remembered that this happened to her when she was ten years old. Her mother made coconut ice cream and she gave her a teaspoon full to taste. She loved the taste of it, but she suddenly broke out in hives. Her lips were red and swollen and there were itchy, red blotches all over her body. She asked her husband if there was coconut in the food. He told her no, but he put a little coconut water in the fruit punch.
“What! You know that I am allergic to coconut.”
“You told me, but I wanted to see if you really were. Don’t be mad at me. It was just a joke…
Stay tuned for his fourth joke.

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