Tuesday, October 4, 2011

“A Giggle…Hysterics”

My story for the day… Hmm. I don’t know why some people, who don’t know me and I don’t know them, think that they could tell me their woes… I was sitting next to a woman and she started to talk. The conversation about everyday situations was going nicely, then she bent closer to me and whispered, “I could tell you this. I think my neighbor is trying to hurt me spiritually.”
“Okay,” I said hoping that, that would be the end of it, but my hope disintegrated as she continued.
“She is trying to blind me.”
“Yes. I just came from the optometrist and he told me that I need stronger lenses. I know his diagnosis is not right because I bought these glasses 2 years ago.”
I looked at her with a little look of wonderment because I believe after two years most people eye sight is a bit weaker so they would need stronger lenses. She continued and I wanted to laugh because of the expression of excitement she radiated, to share her story.
“I know she is doing witchcraft against me because every time I see her, she complements me about my glasses. She is jealous of me.”
I said, “Okay. Do you mind telling me your age?”
She whispered, “79 years. I will be 80 years next week."
I didn’t want to disrespect her, but I started to giggle. She had a taken aback look on her face… My giggles were about to break out into hysterics… I shook my head to stop it…

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