Sunday, September 18, 2011

“My Sugar Rush”

I am having a sugar rush this morning, but I am ignoring my favorite cookies –Oreo, Rough Top and Keebler Fudge Stripes Original.
Five o’clock this morning, I walked by the cookie container and there was, one pack of Oreos and two bags of Rough Tops. “No. It is too early,” I whispered then I decided to make a cup of coffee. When I opened the refrigerator, sitting on a shelf was a pack of Keebler –Fudge Stripes Original. I closed the fridge and walked out of the kitchen. Temptation is at its heights so very early in the morning.
I counted the hours then at seven thirty, I decided that I needed my cup of coffee. When I was finished making it, I took a sip, it tasted real good… sweet. I kept sipping, and looking at the container of cookies. It was now seven fifty and I was trying to convincing myself that one cookie wouldn’t hurt. The pack of Rough Tops was what my taste buds, was craving. I took one and bit into it, eating it slowly hoping to make the taste linger so I wouldn’t want another… hmm. It was real good, so I popped another into my mouth then another. Six cookies later, I decided that, that was enough but…

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