Tuesday, September 20, 2011

“A Beautiful Old Soul”

One day, I went to visit a friend. While we were chatting, she received a phone call. She said hello and listen for less than five minutes then she gently put the phone on the coffee table. We continued talking for about ten minutes then she said, “Hold your last word.”
I stopped talking and she picked up the phone, listened, then she said, “Yes. It’s true. You are so right.” After she said that, she put the phone down and she said to me, “What were you saying?”
“I will continue, but is there someone on the phone?”
“Yes my aunt. She is 90 years old. When she calls, she talks and talks. I usually put the phone on speaker and listen while I do my everyday jobs. At different times, I would say something to her.”
“Does she answer?”
“Not to what I am saying. She talks about things she did when she was a child. Some of things I remember hearing about so it’s a beautiful trip down memory lane with her.”
“Don’t you ever get bored, hearing her stories?”
“No. She is just a beautiful old soul, who tells great stories.”
“Do you mind putting her on the speaker-phone?” I asked feeling a bit thrilled to hear her.
“No. I don’t mind.” She smiled happily as she pressed the speaker button.
Her Aunt’s voice sounded strong. She talked slowly, but on point about her life. I was completely enthralled by her tale…

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