Wednesday, November 2, 2011

“A Malevolent Look”

“I don’t like the costume coordinator, but I have to go to her house. Can you please come with me?” Troy asked.
“That woman looks kind of strange, her house is in the middle of nowhere and it looks frightening to me. I don’t want to go,” said Carol.
“I have to collect my costume and I don’t want to go alone."
“I will drive you there, but I will wait for you in the car.” Although every scintilla of Carol’s being told her not to get out of the car, she did. As they walked towards the front door Carol felt the hairs on her hands raised and she whispered, “This place is fear-provoking.”
Troy whispered, “I’m scared.”
The coordinator suddenly peeped through the window. “Oh my God, she looks creepy,” Said Carol.
“Everything about this place is creepy,” said Troy.
The coordinator opened the door. She had a malevolent look on her face as she said, “So the both of you think that my home and I are creepy?”…

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