Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (36) Home-made Vanilla

Ah did not like vanilla buh when ah did taste’ our family fren Ann’s cakes an’ cookies, ah did like de vanilla taste. When she did tell me dat she does make her vanilla an’ how she does make it, ah was surprise’ how simple it was to make. She did say to grate 1 pound of Tonko Bean seeds.     Put it in a glass bottle.     Pour 4 cups of vodka in de bottle.     Mix de Tonka Bean in de vodka.     Cover an’close de bottle, den put it to set whey nobody go touch it for 3 weeks.     Open de bottle after it set. De Tonka Bean vanilla does smell good an’ it does make cake, cookie etc., taste real good.

I did not like vanilla but when I tasted our family friend Ann’s cakes and cookies, I liked how it tasted. When she told me that she makes her vanilla and how she makes it, I was surprised how simple it was to make. She told me to grate 1 pound of Tonko Bean seeds.     Put it in a glass bottle.     Pour 4 cups of vodka in the bottle.     Take a spoon and mix the Tonka Bean in the vodka.     Cover and close the bottle then put it in a place where it won’t be disturbed.     Leave it to set for 3 weeks.     Open the bottle after leaving it to set.     The Tonka Bean vanilla, smells good and it makes cakes, cookies etc., taste delicious.

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