Sunday, November 22, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (34) Collard Greens

Ah love Collard Greens an’ de way meh husband, Harold does cook it. Meh family an’ friends look forward to it at Thanksgivin’ den at Christmas. We even hav’ it on Easter Sunday. Harold’s Recipe for collard Greens.     Collard Greens, smoke turkey neck. Slices of Garlic an’ meh seasonin’ (De recipe for meh seasonin’ is Trinbagonians talk (26) on meh blog.)     1. Cut up de smoke turkey neck den put it to boil, until it cook.     2. Wash de Collard green leaves den cut dem up. Put about 5 to 6 Collard Green leaves together, roll dem up den cut dem about ½ pieces.     3. In a large bowl wit’ water, add ¼ cup of vinegar den put de cut-up Collard Greens in de bowl.     4. Slice up about 12 cloves of garlic.     5. Put 2 tbs. of oil on de stove, put de slices of garlic in de pot an’ stir de garlic in de oil, until it get to a golden-brown color.     6. Add some of meh seasonin’ an’ stir.     7. Take de Collard Greens out of de bowl, shake out de water an’ put it in de pot.     8. Cover de pot an’ leave it simmerin’ for about an hour.     9. Uncover de pot, add de smoke turkey neck along wit’ de liquid. Stir de pot, mixin’ in de smoke turkey neck in de collard greens.     10. Set yuh time for 45 minutes but check de pot every 15 minutes. Leave yuh Collard Greens to cook, allowin’ de liquid to dry down.

I love Collard Greens and the way my husband, Harold cooks it. My family and friends look forward to it at Thanksgiving then at Christmas. We even have it on Easter Sunday. Harold’s Recipe for collard Greens. Collard Greens, smoked turkey neck. Slices of Garlic and my seasoning (The recipe for my seasoning is Trinbagonians talk. (26) on my blog.)     1. Cut up the smoked turkey neck then put it to boil, until it is cooked.     2. Wash the Collard green leaves then cut them up. Put about 5 to 6 Collard Green leaves together, roll them up then cut them about ½ pieces.     3. In a large bowl with water, add ¼ cup of vinegar then put the cut-up Collard Greens in the bowl.     4. Slice up about 12 cloves of garlic.     5. Put 2 tablespoons of oil on the stove, put the slices of garlic in the pot and stir the garlic in the oil, until it gets to a golden-brown color.     6. Add some of my seasoning and stir.     7. Take the Collard Greens out of the bowl, shake out the water and put it in the pot.     8. Cover the pot and leave it simmering for about an hour.     9. Uncover the pot, add the smoked turkey neck along with the liquid. Stir the pot, mixing in the smoked turkey neck into the collard greens.     10. Set your timer for 45 minutes but check the pot every 15 minutes. Leave your Collard Greens to cook, allowing the liquid to dry down.

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