Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (15)

Dat man cyah stan he losses at all, at all! (A person who lost a challenge and doesn’t want to accept their loss.)

Dem too contentious. (Someone who is argumentative.)

Dem doh know how to leh sleepin’ dogs lie. (Telling a person, they like to bring up past situations to start an argument.)

Dat man does talk plenty Nancy story. (Someone who lies a lot.)

Dat is a rig-ah-marole story. (A person talking meaningless and confusingly.)

Dem does make up stories. (Someone who is not being truthful.)

Is like de man name is no-ah. He kno’ every t’ing. (A person speaking and acting knowledgeable.)

We livin’ in ah dog-eat-dog kind-ah world. (Someone talking about how egotistical and selfish humans are.)

Is like dey want to be notice. (A person making a spectacle of them self.)

Doh dwell on de past. (Don’t worry about past situations.)

Dem doh hav’ no commonsense. (Someone who is not reasonable.)

After all is said an’ done he non de wiser. (A person still ignorant about a situation although they were informed.)

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