Monday, November 9, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (21)

Doh kick people when dey down. (Letting someone know that it is not good to add to another person’s distress.)

All of allyuh cut from de same cloth. (People behaving the same way.)

Ah telling yuh de same t’ing over an’ over, buh yuh head too hard. (Someone who doesn’t comprehend what they are told.)

All skin teeth eh no laugh. (Not every smile is a happy smile.)

Wah ever floats yuh boat. (Telling someone to do what works for them.)

If yuh know wah’ good fuh yuh, yuh go put yuh tongue between yuh teeth. (Telling a person to shut up.)

Yuh better put de shit in the shovel. (A person putting out their hand as they ask someone for a hand shake.)

Eat little an’ live long. (Don’t try to over achieve. Telling someone not to be zealous.)

Doh forget whey yuh come from. (If riches increase, do not forget when you were lowly.)

Yuh like to show-off too much. (Someone acting as though they are better than others.)

Yuh eh have no lyrics. (Someone talking a lot but they are making no sense.)

If yuh play wit’ dogs yuh go get flees. (The company you keep rub off on you.)

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