Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (30) Coconut milk

Ah remember many years ago ah did see Martha Stewart makin’ coconut milk. She use’ milk as she blend de coconut to get de milk. Now all Trinbagonians kno' dat a coconut has rich creamy milk in de coconut meat, so all yuh need is water to get it. Ah does crack a coconut, drain out de water in a glass an’ drink it. Next, ah break de coconut in pieces, take de meat off of de shell an’ wash it. Ah cut de coconut in smaller pieces, den put it in de blender, add 2 cups of water den ah blend it. Ah does put a cheese cloth over a container, pour de blend coconut on de cheese cloth. Holdin’ de cheese cloth, ah does squeeze de coconut, squeezin’ out de milk. So, remember all yuh need is water to take out de milk.

I remember some years ago I saw Martha Stewart extracting milk from a coconut. She used milk as she blended the coconut to extract the milk. Now all Trinidadians and Tobagonians know that a coconut has its own rich creamy milk and water is all you need to extract the milk. I crack a coconut, drain out the water in a glass and drink it. Next, I break the coconut in pieces, take the meat off of the shell and wash it. I cut the coconut in smaller pieces, put it in a blender, add 2 cups of water then I blend it. Placing a cheese cloth over a container I pour the blended coconut on the cheese cloth. Holding the cheese cloth, I squeeze the coconut extracting the milk. So, remember all you need is water to extract the milk.


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