Monday, November 30, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (42) Children are imitators

Children does do what dey see de people who bring dem up do. Some people really t’ink dat dey hav’ de right to other people body. Dey t’ink dat dey can abuse or touch a person when dey feel to do dat. One day a little boy hit me on meh butt. When I turn an’ look at him, he was smilin’ as if he did somet’in good. Ah told him doh ever do dat again!” He mudder said dat he does always do her dat. “Yuh need to stop him from doin’ dat. One day he go do it an’ de person go call de police.  Ah turn to de little boy an’ ah say, “De police will lock yuh up, if yuh do dat again.” He started to cry an’ he mudder was quiet buh she look upset wit me. Ah walk away an’ whispered, “Deal wit de little pervert yuh creatin’.”

Children imitate their caregiver/s. Some people truly believe that they have the rights to another person’s body. They believe that they can abuse or touch a person when they feel like it. One day a little boy hit me on my butt. When I turned and looked at him, he had a smile on his face as though he did something good. I said, “Don’t you ever do that again!” His mother said that he does that to her all the time.” I said, “You need to stop him from doing that. He will do it one day to someone and that person will call the police.” I turned to the little boy and I said, “The police will lock you up if you do that again.” He started to cry and his mother was quiet but she looked annoyed with me. I walked away and whispered, “Deal with the little pervert you are creating.”

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (41) Do not Ponder.

“Yuh are upset dat yuh child/children did somethin’ yuh t’ink is unforgivable, so yuh choose not to give dem anythin’. Remember dat yuh hav’ a precious one in yuh life. Lots of parents doh hav’ none. “On Christmas mornin’ give yuh child/Children de gift/s yuh hav’ for dem an’ make it a Merry Christmas. Doh let yuh gift be a blessin’ in disguise.

“You are upset that your child/children did something you think is unforgivable, so you decide not to give them anything for Christmas. Remember that you have a precious one in your life. Many parents don’t. “On Christmas morning please give your child/Children the gift/s you have for them and make it a Merry Christmas. Do not give it and ponder over it.