Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"It Is Always Darkest Just Before Dawn.

One night while hanging out at home with some friends, one of them suggested that we go to the beach. Everyone thought it was a great idea, so eight happy-go-lucky people headed there in two cars. We all sat on the sand drinking beers, talking about life situations and giving jokes, and just enjoying each other’s company.
Sometime later we all became very quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the rolling tide. Then the area suddenly became very dark.
“Guys its pretty dark out here,” said one of my friends.
“It’s always darkest just before dawn,” I whispered.
”Okay, so you’re a philosopher now?” she said.
“Yeah, are you?” ask another one of my friends.
“No, I’m not trying to be, but my mom always says that to us and it’s a fact.”
“Don’t bring your mom into this,” she said and everyone started agreeing with her.
They were all questioning me, laughing and making fun when suddenly a star pitched and glided across the sky. It looked as though it touched the sea. Everyone was quiet. One by one we stood up slowly. My eyes were glued to the sky. The star might not have touched the sea but the reflection of it gliding across the sky made the seawater sparkle.
“Wasn’t that amazing?” I asked, breaking the silence.
“It was,” they all replied in unison.
About five minutes later the area was bright and seemed as if the sun was about to rise. One of my friends turned to me and she whispered, “It’s always darkest just before dawn.”
I smiled.

Taken from my website.

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