Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Little Miss Vain"

She never spoke to me because I was of a lower stature than her. My friends spoke to her, but I ignored her. Marisa, one of our friends, was getting married, and she asked me to be her maid of honor. Little Miss Vain, and the rest of our friends were bridesmaids.
We were all expected at the dressmaker’s shop to get fitted for our dresses. I asked for my appointment to be on a different day to hers. As my luck would have it, she missed her appointment, and arrived on the same day I did. I decided to leave, the moment I was finished. Two women assisted us as we tried on our dresses. We were both standing in front of mirrors, and I was focused on how my dressed looked on me. She twists and turns as she looked at herself, then she started talking.
“Don’t you all think I am beautiful? There are no marks on my face, or any where on my body. I never had a pimple. I am flawless.” Again my luck was at it’s best. I had three pimples on my face, a scar on my arm from an accident, and a small red birthmark on my left cheek. I looked at the woman attending to me and we both smiled. Little Miss Vain went on and on about her self. She was saying that she should be the maid of honor, but she understood why Marisa didn’t choose her.
“So why didn’t she choose you?” I asked.
“She knows that I would look better than her, and she didn’t want me to out do her. After all, it’s her wedding day.”
I started to giggle, and it turned into loud laughter. The two women stood looking at us with beet red faces and smiles on their lips, but Little Miss Vain, looked dumbfounded.

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