Monday, June 28, 2010

"My Mother"

It was raining heavily one morning and I sat looking through the window. The water cascaded down the leaves of the trees and the road looked as though it would turn into a small stream. A smile crossed my lips, because I remembered a morning just like this.
Thoughts of my mother flooded my mind. She was a hard worker. The only woman I knew at the time that was, a chef, doctor, accountant, defense attorney, a prosecutor, teacher, guidance councilor and a weather forecaster…
I was about nine, and my brother ten.
One morning he came into my bedroom and said to me… “Do you hear how heavy the rain is falling?”
“Yeah,” I said, all the more excited because I knew my mother would not send us to school in this type of weather.
“Keisha and Marc go and brush your teeth then come and eat your breakfast. Then you have to take your showers to get ready for school.”
“Mom it’s raining heavily so we can’t go to school in this weather,” said Keisha.
“That is just a passing cloud that’s pouring rain over the area.”
“But mom the sky is dark. To me it looks as though it’s not going to stop anytime soon,” said Marc.
“The sky is dark because the cloud is blocking the sun, but the wind will blow away the cloud.”
As soon as she said that the rain started to slow down, the area started to look brighter, and ten minutes later a burst of sunshine appeared.
My children awoke and they were smiling happily.
“Mom, it’s raining, so we cannot go to school,” said Riana.
“Yeah!” exclaimed Leticia.
And I said, “That is just a passing cloud that is pouring rain over the area and the sky is dark because the cloud is blocking the sun, but the wind will blow away the cloud. A few minutes later the sun appeared.

Taken from my website.

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