Thursday, June 17, 2010

“Give Them Rope”

How could you talk to him and keep a straight face, knowing what you know about his wife? You are two deceitful women, yet I wonder if you don’t feel a bit hurt and guilty. You know, that she is sleeping with Tom, Dick, Harry; even Joe, your brother, is also nesting there. I looked at this distasteful situation, and wondered what is going through your minds. She says he is a good father and husband, he works for long hours, and when he gets paid, he gives her all the money. You know that she spends it freely. 'NO’ is a word she said that he never says to her. Any time she tells him she is going out partying or hanging out with her friends, he always says, ‘go and have fun’. It makes my stomach turn when I see the both of you talking and smiling happily with him. I used to call him a pussy, then he left and I said to my self, “YEAH!” I now understand what he was doing. He was giving her the rope to hang herself.

1 comment:

Trinisunshine said...

I love it. Gih dem rope man, gih dem.