Tuesday, June 22, 2010

“Complain and Confusion”

I stepped out to do my usual morning walk. The atmosphere was just right, and the area looked beautiful. I was having an honest to goodness feeling about the morning. A few people walked by, and we greeted each other. I stood for a few moments talking to Miss Mitchell. She was one of the matriarchs of our village. I continued walking then I saw Jennifer coming towards me in the distance. She loves to complain about her personal situations. It didn’t matter to her, if you told her, you didn’t want to hear, she would continue talking. I wasn’t in the mood to hear her complaints, so I crossed the street quickly. When I got to the other side, I realized that I should have stayed where I was, and deal with Jennifer.
“Hi Martha,” I said, but I was thinking I should have said “Hey Confusion, what’s going on…”

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