Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Excerpt from Interview -- 2

You have written three novels: Jan’s Mysterious Adventure; Leigh’s Story and Sandy. When did you first know that you wanted to be a writer?

My writing started at a very young age due to my elementary school teachers, but my mother was the main driving force. I remember coming home from school when I was very young, having to write an essay for homework. I did not want to do it, because I could not think of what to say. My mother sat with me at the dining table, and as one of my sisters would say, ‘many stories were told at that table’. I sat there for a while with my mom, and she kept insisting that I must have been thinking about something. Right at this very moment there must be something going on in your head. Write what you are thinking on the paper. I wrote, “I don’t want to write this essay.” She then prompted me to write down my reasons, and I wrote every excuse I could find at the time. When I was finished, she helped me to see how easy it was to write about that. Now what you have to do is think about the topic and the ideas will flow… I still think about the topics, and the ideas keep flowing.

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