Saturday, June 12, 2010

His X

He did not say anything about his X. I wondered why they broke up, but I didn’t ask. Eventually, his mother and sisters with their chatty selves told me a few things about her. I listened, but had no comments, because, I was thinking that it is typical of a mother, and sister to trash their son/brother’s woman. It didn’t take long for me to find out that they were all right about this woman. One night, we were at a party and were just standing talking to each other. A guy he knew came up to him and they started to talk. In the most tactless way this guy said, “Did you divorce that woman yet?”
“He said, “ Yeah man.”
“It’s about time. Everyone in the neighborhood used to talk about you. They used to say how stupid you were, because this woman was playing herself out there. She was even with her best friend’s brother. They used to talk about how they used to get it on in your home.”
“He said. “Man I knew, but I stayed because of the children. I left after I knew they would be okay. I know she is trashing me down there, but I do my part. I still take care of the children, although she tells them that I don’t.”
“I stood there flabbergasted and embarrassed for my man. He in turned put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer.

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