Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Lucky Woman”

She was sitting on the step thinking about her life. For the past eight years, her husband has been abusive. She didn’t tell anyone, because she felt ashamed. The last time he beat her, she couldn’t go to work for 3 days. His beatings got more brutal, and she felt he was going to eventually kill her. She felt sad that she did not have children. He did not want any, and he made sure she used some form of contraceptive. Her life was centered on the things he liked and disliked. She tried her best to please him, but it was never enough. The only time she felt happy was the time she spent with her dog, she named Happy. Her husband told her to get rid of Happy, and how he hated the name, but she told him no. He did not say anything else about it. Happy came running up to her, barking and excited for her to follow him. She did not want to move, but after he was making such a raucous, she got up and started to walk away. A loud crash, then a splatter, made her jump and she turned around. The concrete plant pot that was on the upstairs balcony fell on the spot she was sitting. She looked up, and there was her husband smiling.
“You are a lucky woman,” he said.


hazelbourne said...

i need more, please..that is an evil husband and a God sent dog.

A Valentine Joseph said...

Hazel, she got far away from him and is very happy.