Sunday, June 6, 2010

Positive and Negative

I started my first novel and was afraid to tell anyone that I was writing. After I had finished my manuscript, I told my immediate family. Years later I finally got the nerve to tell my circle of friends, and other family members. They all told me that it was a great idea, and they can’t wait to read it. I sent it out to publishing houses, but was rejected over and over. I felt a bit discouraged for a while, but then I self-published. I sold copies to my family, friends, and to strangers. The phone calls started coming in with great positive comments about the book. Even those strangers who purchased books were complimenting me. I was excited, so I decided to make phone calls to the relatives and friends I didn’t hear from. They all made a 360-degree turn around. Some of their comments were, “I don’t like it, Who told you that you could write?, You should find another profession, Writing is not for you.” This one was a classic, “I didn’t read it. I put it up on a shelf.” I felt crushed and trampled on, forgetting I had gotten great compliments. I turned off my computer, and decided to stop writing, allowing the negatives to weigh heavy on my mind. It took me a while to realize that these people were being mean, and I should hold on to the moment of assurance. So here I am with 3 books on the market, Jan’s Mysterious Adventure, Sandy, Leigh’s Story, and I am working on others…


hazelbourne said...

GIRLFRIEND, It was a privilege to have read two of your books.
jan's mysterious adventure,brought me back to my childhood. the book was so real, i thought i was jan (smile).
well "sandy", that is a bomb.for those folk who are still waiting to read it, please do it would not put down the book till it is done, and would be mad after it is finished because it was so good,you didn't want it to end.
i am coming today to pick up leigh's story.
i thank god for my best friend Alicia who sadly passed away five (5)weeks ago, for hooking me up to was a gift.

A Valentine Joseph said...

Thank you Hazel for all your support and yes thank God for Alicia.