Saturday, June 26, 2010

“Your Plate Is Full”

I wanted to tell her that she is ‘ungrateful’, but all I said was, “girl, do what ever makes you happy.”
When I walked away from her, I called her every disgusting name I thought of. This woman had a beautiful home, with all the necessities; a good husband, who loved her, unconditionally. All she had to do was ask him for what ever she wanted, and he gets it for her. She would criticize him, and she allowed their two daughters to speak to him in a discourteous way. If he reprimanded them, she would jump down his throat. The further I walked away from her, the angrier I became and I felt that I needed to say something to her. I phoned her, and before I said anything, she started talking. “Girl I just had to put that man in his place for shouting at the kids.”
I started talking before she got into an explanation of the events. “Your plate is full, but the other person's plate is empty; be careful how you eat, because the tables are turning around slowly.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” She asked.

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