Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (72) It is not the End of the World.

Happy Wednesday to yuh an’ yuh family. Enjoy an’ be safe. Remember yuh cyah defend a lie. Doh get vex when somebody tell lies about yuh. De ball will be in their court because somebody go believe de lie. All yuh hav’ to do is give dem a dose of ignore an’ move on to de next t’ing. Be glad dat yuh is important to somebody. Good or bad yuh hav’ a place in somebody head. As meh fadder use to say, “It is not the end of de world. Life goes on.”

Happy Wednesday to you and your family. Enjoy and be safe. Remember you cannot defend a lie. Do not get upset when someone tell lies about you. The ball will be in their court because somebody is going to believe the lie. All you need to do is ignore them and move on to the next chapter. Be happy that you are important to somebody. Good or bad you have a place in someone’s head. As my father used to say, “It is not the end of the world. Life goes on.”

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