Saturday, December 19, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (61) It’s a New World we are Living in

Speak to yuh child/children about de t’ings dat are goin’ on. Good or bad tell dem. When we t’ink our child/children doh kno’, dey do. De days from hidin’ dem from de sufferin’ dat is goin’ on in dis world is over. It is a sad t’ing, buh it is de new world we livin’ in. Yuh go be surprise by wat dey already kno’ an’ wat dey can take.  

Talk to your child/children about the things that are happening. Good or bad tell them. When we think our child/children don’t know, they do. The days from sheltering them from the suffering in this world, is over. It is a sad situation but it is the new world we are living in. You would be surprise by what they know and what they could handle.

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