Saturday, December 12, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (53) CLEANLINESS diminished

Ah remember from a very young age meh mudder did show me how to wash meh han after ah use de bathroom, before ah touch de foodstuff, etc., She was teachin’ me HYGIENE. In Elementary school de teachers an’ dem did teach us hygiene again; How to be clean. All de lessons stay wit me. Ah does pay close attention when ah around people an’ de way dey does behave when dey near food. One t’ing dat does get me upset is somebody pickin’ up 2 or more drinkin’ glasses by puttin’ their fingers in de glasses, to hold dem. Somewhere along life’s path, CLEANLINESS diminished so Covid19 flare-up.

I remember from a very young age my mother showed me how to wash my hands after using the bathroom, before touching food stuff, etc., She was teaching me CLEANLINESS. In Elementary school we were taught hygiene again… CLEANLINESS! All these lessons stayed with me. I pay close attention when I am around people and how they does handle food. One thing that pisses me off is someone picking up 2 or more drinking glasses by putting their fingers in the glasses, to hold them. Somewhere along life’s path CLEANLINESS diminished and Covid19 flare-up.

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