Friday, December 18, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (60) Distasteful relatives

 Every family hav’ a horrible person. A really offensive relative. Everybody in de family does talk about dis person behind dey back.Dey does say how awful dis family member is, but when de horrible relative is around, dey does treat dem real nice. Actin’ as though dis awful relative is dey long lost cousin, dey jus’ find. When ah see dem, ah does keep meh eye on dem to make sure dey doh come near me. Me eh goin’ to play dat ah like dem.

There is a horrible person in every family. A greedy, insulting, hurtful and distasteful relative. Everyone in the family talks about this person when they are not around. They would say how horrible he or she is, yet when the horrible relative is in their presence, they would greet him or her warmly. Some of them does chat happily with them. When I see the horrible relative, I keep my distance, making sure they don’t come in my space. I am not going to pretend that I like the horrible relative.

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