Sunday, December 27, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (69) It trickles down before you could stop it. God winks at ignorance, judgement for the man who is knowledgeable. Acts. 17-30

Women have to stop shamin’ women. Dis world is in too much heartache for small t’ings to make de news. Ah remember how upsettin’ ah was to see a video of a woman peein’ in another woman’s yard. Dey blackout de woman face, buh ah feel did id somet’ing dat shouldn’t be on de news. Ah remember one day ah was out shoppin’ an’ ah felt like ah want to pee buh ah decided to wait until I got home. On the way home ah kno’ dat ah cah stop for any reason because ah need to get to de bathroom real fast. Before ah go in de buildin’, meh neighbor stop me an’ start to talk, buh ah was tinkin’ dat ah hav’ to end de talk. After speakin’ to she ah went in de buildin’ wit meh keys in meh hand ah run up de steps, to de 4th floor. When ah get to de door, ah open de door an’ as ah step inside, a river flow over. Which woman doh get to a point of wantin to pee real bad dat it trickles down? Ah did feel real good dat ah was home, buh ah does feel bad for those women who doh make it home or de bathroom.

Women have to stop embarrassing women. This world is in too much sorrow for little things to make the news. I was freaking upset to see a video of a woman peeing in another woman’s yard. Although they blurred the woman, I think this is something that shouldn’t be on the news. I remember one day I was out shopping and I felt like I wanted to pee, but I decided to wait until I get home. On the way home, I knew I could not stop for any reason because I need to get to the bathroom. Before I entered the building, my neighbor stopped me and started to talk, but I was thinking that I have to end this conversation. After speaking to her, I entered the building, my keys in my hand, I ran up the steps to the 4th floor. When I got to the door, I opened the door and as I stepped in a river flowed over. Which woman don’t get a moment of wanting to pee so bad that it trickles down? I felt good I got home, but I sympathize with those who don’t make it home or to a bathroom.

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