Sunday, December 6, 2020

Trinbagonians talk. (48)

A nice, safe an’ well day to yuh an’ yuh family. Deceit is in all of us human bein’. Ah know’ what ah will do an’ what ah will not do. Covid-19 is still lurkin’ all over de world. De people who are in charge, doh look concern about de number of people who are getting’ sick, an’ de number of people who are dyin’ from de virus. Black people yuh kno’ yuh are de last people on de list to get help.  Love yuhself. Take care of yuself an’ de people yuh love.  FOLLOW DE RULES! I pray, “Dear God yuh know’ de secrets of meh heart. Cleanse me from all de wrong thin’ ah do. Amen.

A wonderful safe and healthy day to you and your family. Deceitfulness flows through all humans. I know what I will do and what I will not do. Covid-19 is still lurking around. The people who are in charge seems comfortable and truly not bothered with the rate people are becoming ill and dying from the virus. Black people you know you are the last on the list to be helped. So, love yourself, take care of yourself and your loved ones. FOLLOW THE RULES! I pray, “Dear God you know the secrets of my heart. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Amen.

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