Friday, February 12, 2016

The dollar devils are on a roll. This is tax time so be very careful.

I just got a phone call from a man. He said that he was from the IRS and they filed a law suit against my husband and me.
“Okay. What is the reason for the lawsuit?”
“You were informed that you owe the IRS and you have not respond to our request for payment.”
“Sir I did not receive any correspondence from you regarding this,” I said.
“The IRS doesn’t send out correspondence.”
“I have received correspondence from the IRS before so that is not true.”
He did not answer that but he said, “On January 14th, two officers came to your home and they delivered the documents of the lawsuit to you.”
“No one came to my home from the IRS.”
“I have a copy of the lawsuit and I am going to read it to you! Do not interrupt me until I am finished reading!” He said in a stern voice.
“Okay,” I said.
He said, “You have paid your taxes but you were informed that you still owe $1,000. You were contacted by the IRS on a number of occasions!”
I interrupted and I said, “No one contacted me from the IRS.”
“We phoned you on a number of occasions! Listen to me read out the lawsuit and do not speak!”
“Sir, do not speak. We are going to have a 3 way conversation. I am calling my lawyer.”
“You have a lawyer? Why don’t you contact your accountant?” He said.
“You said that it is a lawsuit so hold on, let me dial my lawyer.”
Suddenly there was dial tone… He hung up.
Please be on your P’s and Q’s the dollar devils are brazen.

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