Friday, February 5, 2016

All laws for our daily living are made by men. Some of the laws needs to be amended but women should be given the opportunity to decide the punishment for the crime. RAPE is the crime that I believe the law needs to be amended, but I know that is not going to happen. It really upsets me to hear someone got raped. It hurts a lot when I hear it happened to a child. I heard about another child getting raped by her mother’s boy friend. He is a wanted man.

Some perpetrators of rape go free because of some kind of technicality and that must be a horrible feeling for the victim.
I believe that life should take charge. A rapist should be punished by life.
Minutes after the rape he or she should get a pimple on their private part. The next day it becomes blood red with an itch. It gets bigger as the days go by, itching real bad and then it starts to ooze. No type of medication heals it. The rapist can’t eat and sleep. A truthful confession is the only thing that heals the sore. Those who were accused of rape and did not do it, doesn’t get the life sore, but the accuser gets it. They also will be healed by their truthful confession. 

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