Thursday, February 18, 2016

“On a personal note”

My husband met a pastor and in conversation the pastor said, “Do you pray?”
“Yes, but my wife prays a lot so I am blessed,” He answered.
“No you are not blessed that is your wife’s blessing,” The pastor said.
“When we got married the priest said, ‘The two shall become one’ so we are one. You know that statement is from the Bible?”
“Yes, but you still need to pray for your own blessing.”
“The Bible says, ‘A man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’. One flesh means we are one. What is mine is hers and what is hers is mine. Pastor looked at him seriously so he continued, “You need to take that to church Sunday morning and preach.”

The pastor did not answer he told him to have a nice day and he walked away.

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