Friday, May 30, 2014

“Treat Your Body Well”

After weighing myself and the scale said 194 pounds, I quarrel with my family, for encouraged me. I would say that I am fat. They would all say “You are not fat”.
My daughter said, “You don’t take up two seats on the bus and train.”
“Yeah mom, you also fit on one seat on a plane,” My son said.
“You look real good to me,” my husband said.
And me seeing myself looking real good in the mirror. It was not until my knee started to act up, I took a real good look at myself in the mirror and decided I had to do something about my body. This is what I did to help get rid of the weight and the knee pain. Although I took pain killers, rubbed my knee with Aspercream Odor Free Tropical Analgesic Cream (I used odor free because LORD I did not want, when I go outside, to be smelling like a medicine cabinet.) and I wore a knee brace. The painkiller and the brace worked real good, but I knew I really had to do something about my weight. I did not want to go to a gym because I did not want the drama. Once a day I would dress in shorts, tee shirt, roll up a bandana and tie it around the hair line on my head, go into the bathroom, close the door and jog on the spot for an hour, then I would lie on the floor and do a full body stretch. I also use my son’s door frame pull up bar. (I cannot pull myself up on the pull up bar so I would stand on the ground, hold the bar and bend my knees stretching my arms). After my work out session, I would be sweating like crazy. Now I have a treadmill which I use everyday, but I still jog in the bathroom etc.
I cut down on salt, sugar, flour. I eat Crix, peas, beans, eggs, vegetables, meat, fish, Green figs —(banana).  Sometimes I eat yam and potatoes. I drink water, coconut water, Lucozade and ginger tea. I lost 33.5 pounds. I have 15 pounds to go.
Think about your body and love it. As we get older, all kinds of pains and illnesses attack our body. Watch what you eat and exercise. A blessed safe day to you and yours.

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