Friday, May 16, 2014


Why do we have day planners, diaries and journals? Yes it is to remind us not to forget.
If you say that you do not forget. I would not call you a liar, you are just speaking through your moment of forgetfulness — For a moment you forgot that you forget.
Why do you think that we have; wife, mother, secretary, assistant? There was a time in my life, when I held those four positions. Wife and mother I still hold and everyday when my family are heading out I ask, “Do you have your Phone, Bluetooth, Money, Metrocard, ID etc., The day I decide not to ask that is the day they would forget something then I would hear, “You made me forget my so and so”… I would always smile and say I forget sometimes too.
I was an assistant to a Dean and vice president of a college. That job was a multi-task job because I had to remember job and some personal situations for him, but thank God for the secretary. Every evening before she and I left work we would go over the task for the next day. On many occasions when we arrived to work, there will be one or two things that we forgot. Especially that thing our boss asked us about. I used to say, “Thank God he remembered.
Today I am talking about forgetfulness because of that man/woman who forget their child/children in the car. It is a daily occurrence. Since living in the US I have heard so many stories about children being left in cars then found dead hours later. I do not believe that people should be sent to prison for it. The death of the child is already a prison sentence…

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