Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A blessed safe day to you and yours

“The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you. Not in a mansion of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and God is there, Lift a stone and you will find God.” Gospel of Thomas.
Since I know myself I heard my parents, priests, nuns, and all the people around say “God is everywhere.” Today I am hearing many people say, “Trinidad and Tobago needs God…. Hmm. When did he leave Trinbago?
God is in Trinidad and Tobago. To wake up and see another day that is God saying to you embrace me I am with you. Breathe.
The sun rise on a morning illuminating the area and at the end of the day, twilight spreads its orange glow over the neighborhood, the beauty of it fills you with joy. Even on rainy days~ There is peace in your heart. That is God. When you are welcomed by people with love and kindheartedness God is in the midst.
The devil is in Trinidad and Tobago. You see it everyday by the lies, deceit and jealousy that ooze out of some people. Evil is their driving force. They are oblivious to the sunrise, sunset… kindness and love is not in them . They rob, kill, generating unhappiness without remorse.

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