Friday, May 23, 2014

“After one time is two time”

Look how life gets. It is really a cycle. When I had to wear my knee brace my family took charge of me. One day my son and daughter were getting dressed for school, I was in the kitchen washing the dishes from breakfast. My daughter got dressed and she sat in the kitchen talking to me, while my son was showering. When he was dressed he came into the kitchen and he said, “Sarah you can leave now. Mom go and shower.”
“I’m going,” I said. Although I said I was going, I continued wiping down the counter. but I was thinking, What the … Jesus. I used to tell him to go and shower now he is telling me too.
My husband called to find out what was going on and my son said, “I told mom to go and shower, but she is still doing this and that in the kitchen. My husband must have said, “You know your mother because I heard him say, “Yeah, I know how she is.” Then he said, “Mom I have to go in 10 minutes. We do not want you to go and shower when no one is at home. Dad said to stop what you are doing and head to the bathroom.”
I left everything and hit the shower shaking my head as I said, “After one time is another~ After one time is two time.”…

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