Saturday, May 3, 2014

“One Saturday In Summer”

I find winter to be the most tiring season. You get exhausted from wearing, your underclothes, which is covered by a coat. Then you put on hat, scarf, gloves, boots/shoes/sneakers. I am sure after you are dressed you walk around with more than 10 pounds on your body. My first and second winter was great. Loved it. The third and fourth winter, I liked. Then, all the winters after that was “Oh gosh when will it end?’. When anyone asked me how I was doing, I would always say, “So-so-T’ank-yuh. An’ yuhself?” My American friends used to laugh when I get down in my Trini twang. Some of them even started saying them. Anyway, I used to be anxiously waiting for Summer. Summer in New Jersey used to be great, then I moved to Brooklyn. Winter and spring went by. Boots, shoes, sneakers etc., were tucked away…Out of sight out of mind.
I was excited as I stepped outside, my first Saturdays in Summer. I had planned it well and everything went without a hitch. Dressed in a tank top, shorts and a real nice pair of sandals. I did my stop at the hairdresser then my manicure and pedicure. Next on my list was shopping on Flatbush Avenue. My day was going great until I got home, sat down and crossed my legs. My heel looked black as pitch. I looked at the other and it looked the same. I was pissed. “What the… Jesus! When I was out, I was walking and thinking that I looked real cute… Now what a take down. My heals were covered from the nasty grime on Flatbush Avenue. Damn it!” I sat wondering how many people saw it…

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