Friday, May 2, 2014

“There is no room for hurt, harm, injure, damage, mar, impair, spoil, upset in my heart. I am living life and loving me first”

“Mom you are nice,” My daughter said and her brother said, “True.”
I was thinking today is Friday and we already did the, “Mom, there isn’t anything to eat, but don’t look in the cupboard and the fridge, just order pizza. I smiled then I said, “Okay, so what do you guys want?”
“Nothing,” They both said.
Thanks for that, I am happy you both feel that way.”
“For the BS some of our friends go through with their mother, you are the best.”
I smiled and then I said, “You guys know me~ I am me~ What you see is, what you get~ Love me~ Hate me~ Not a problem. Lie to me/about me~ Now we have a problem and that is me until the day I die...
A blessed safe day to you and yours.

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