Saturday, May 31, 2014

“Happy Saturday”

You are seeing another day because you are reading this. God is saying to you embrace me I am with you~~ Breathe.
To all who are not enjoying the day, thinking that life is not good and this is the end of the world, I am sending you a wave.  
Do you know who started with the waving thing… God did. 
Fear not stand your ground and you will see the victory the LORD will win for you today. The LORD himself will fight for you, you only have to keep still…

Friday, May 30, 2014

“Treat Your Body Well”

After weighing myself and the scale said 194 pounds, I quarrel with my family, for encouraged me. I would say that I am fat. They would all say “You are not fat”.
My daughter said, “You don’t take up two seats on the bus and train.”
“Yeah mom, you also fit on one seat on a plane,” My son said.
“You look real good to me,” my husband said.
And me seeing myself looking real good in the mirror. It was not until my knee started to act up, I took a real good look at myself in the mirror and decided I had to do something about my body. This is what I did to help get rid of the weight and the knee pain. Although I took pain killers, rubbed my knee with Aspercream Odor Free Tropical Analgesic Cream (I used odor free because LORD I did not want, when I go outside, to be smelling like a medicine cabinet.) and I wore a knee brace. The painkiller and the brace worked real good, but I knew I really had to do something about my weight. I did not want to go to a gym because I did not want the drama. Once a day I would dress in shorts, tee shirt, roll up a bandana and tie it around the hair line on my head, go into the bathroom, close the door and jog on the spot for an hour, then I would lie on the floor and do a full body stretch. I also use my son’s door frame pull up bar. (I cannot pull myself up on the pull up bar so I would stand on the ground, hold the bar and bend my knees stretching my arms). After my work out session, I would be sweating like crazy. Now I have a treadmill which I use everyday, but I still jog in the bathroom etc.
I cut down on salt, sugar, flour. I eat Crix, peas, beans, eggs, vegetables, meat, fish, Green figs —(banana).  Sometimes I eat yam and potatoes. I drink water, coconut water, Lucozade and ginger tea. I lost 33.5 pounds. I have 15 pounds to go.
Think about your body and love it. As we get older, all kinds of pains and illnesses attack our body. Watch what you eat and exercise. A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

“My Inspiration”

I used to say that I would retire from writing then I read an excerpt of one of Maya  Angelou’s interviews…
She said that she has no plans to retire. She used to teach at Wake Forest University. Composed a poem for the Summer Olympics, was working on a collection of essays and hosts a weekly satellite radio show on the Oprah & Friends channel. After reading her interview I laugh at myself for saying that I would retire from writing at 75. How could you retire if your mind is flowing with thoughts and ideas of a story.
Why hold on to people and things that make you unhappy? You have being praying for change and there is no change in that department. Pray, but pray for strength and courage to let go. To get rid of it all. Letting go will give you peace of mind.
A blessed safe day to you.

Kathy Troccoli - Go Light Your World

There is a candle in every soul~ Some brightly burning~ Some dark and cold~ There is a Spirit who brings fire, ignites a candle and makes His home.
Carry your candle, run to the darkness~ Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn~ Hold out your candle for all to see it~ Take your candle, and go light your world~ Take your candle, and go light your world.
Frustrated brother, see how he’s tried to light his own candle some other way~ See now your, sister, she’s been robbed and lied to, still holds a candle without a flame.
Carry your candle, run to the darkness~ Seek out the lonely, the tired and worn~ Hold out your candle for all to see it~ Take your candle, and go light your world~ Take your candle, and go light your world.
We are a family whose hearts are blazing~ So let’s raise our candles and light up the sky~ Praying to our Father, in the name of Jesus~ Make us a beacon in darkest times.
Carry your candle, run to the darkness~ Seek out the helpless, deceived and poor~ Hold out your candle for all to see it~ Take your candle, and go light your world.

Carry your candle, run to the darkness~ Seek out the hopeless, confused and torn~ Hold out your candle for all to see it~ Take your candle, and go light your world~ Take your candle~~~ Go light your world…

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 23, 2014~ Maya Angelo last tweet~ Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.

Maya Angelou passed away. Sad.. April 4, 1928 – May 28, 2014

Never whine. Whining lets a brute know that a victim is in the neighborhood~ Maya Angelou~ Letter to My Daughter.
Every now and then I am going to post the link for the book, “The Gift of Fear” as a reminder that you should buy this book as a family tool. It gives insight about the things that we do, that can cause us to lose our lives. Please buy— The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From Violence, by Garvin De Becker.
It is worth it to spend $10 US dollars. It might be even cheaper on

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A blessed safe day to you and yours

“The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you. Not in a mansion of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and God is there, Lift a stone and you will find God.” Gospel of Thomas.
Since I know myself I heard my parents, priests, nuns, and all the people around say “God is everywhere.” Today I am hearing many people say, “Trinidad and Tobago needs God…. Hmm. When did he leave Trinbago?
God is in Trinidad and Tobago. To wake up and see another day that is God saying to you embrace me I am with you. Breathe.
The sun rise on a morning illuminating the area and at the end of the day, twilight spreads its orange glow over the neighborhood, the beauty of it fills you with joy. Even on rainy days~ There is peace in your heart. That is God. When you are welcomed by people with love and kindheartedness God is in the midst.
The devil is in Trinidad and Tobago. You see it everyday by the lies, deceit and jealousy that ooze out of some people. Evil is their driving force. They are oblivious to the sunrise, sunset… kindness and love is not in them . They rob, kill, generating unhappiness without remorse.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mothers, Fathers,  Caregivers remember that~ They walk among us~ They dress like us~ They look like us~ The stalker us~
I was out on Flatbush and Church Avenue today and I heard that a child was taken on Friday in the vicinity of Flatbush and Church. The mother of the child was right there, but she did not see when the child disappeared. She caused a big raucous and the police came. They searched around the neighborhood. Even on the grounds of the church cemetery. They did not find the child. When I heard this my blood ran cold because 21 years ago my son was taken from a store on Church Avenue, between 21 street and Ocean Avenue. Flatbush Avenue is one block away.
"This Is My Story"
I always wonder what our life would be like today, if the unthinkable did happen, twenty one years ago. I thank God for giving me a sixth sense, intuition, perception, etc… Also  for being alert when those feelings of uneasiness come over me. I had to go to the store to buy something. A feeling of trepidation was in my heart and I did not want to go, but I needed the item. My son was three years old, and he was home from daycare, so I had to take him with me. Since I was having an uncomfortable feeling in my heart, I held his hand and made sure he was next to me at all times. When we arrived at the store there were about five people shopping. One woman stood out. She was wearing a green shirt. It was the exact color as the one that I was wearing. When she looked my way, I felt more anxious and I started to question myself. “Why am I feeling this way?” I decided not to browse… just get the item, pay for it and leave the store. The moment I got it, I stood in line and I held on to my son’s hand. When I got to the cashier, I put my item on the counter, let go of my son’s hand, opened my handbag and took out my wallet. As I was about to pay, I looked down for my son. He was not there so I called out to him, but there was no answer. I kept shouting his name and my intuition was saying to me, “Go to the front door”, so I ran to it. I asked the security guard who was standing near the door, if he saw a little boy wearing a red tee shirt and blue jeans. He told me a woman walked out with a little boy who was wearing those same color clothes. I ran out of the store onto the sidewalk. The lady in the same color shirt, was holding my son's hand, waiting to get on the bus… I shouted my son's name and he looked around, and said, “Mommy?” then he looked up at the lady… I screamed for him to come and he pulled away from her. She saw me running towards them and she started running… I held onto my son tightly. He started to cry and he told me that the woman looked like me. I told him it’s okay. I kept looking at the woman, as she sprinted away
Yesterday was my wedding anniversary. Our friend Leroy —(God rest his soul) who insisted that we meet, knew what he was doing. I thank God for being our guide, our shield and our protector. Yesterday was a wonderful day of family time and I am still enjoying it… “Amen and AMEN to that!”…

Saturday, May 24, 2014

I am taking this to heart. I never thought about their behavior in this way~

“Trinbago Was Nice”

Trinidad and Tobago used to be real kicksy. For those of you who don’t know; Kicksy means, funny, entertaining, laughable. I loved it. Those were happy days.
One thing I remember about the women of Point Fortin, especially Techier Village women, they used to dress real nice and they walked uppity… Even if they were going to the grocery or market.
I remember when I was very young, my mother sent me to the market. She told me to go to a particular vendor. When I got to his vegetable stand there were about four customers standing around checking out his vegetables. A well dressed woman asked him the price of the cabbage. He told her that it was 25 cents per pound. She took up one and handed it to him. He raised his hand up and down hefting it then he told her it was 50 cents.
“You robbing me. That little cabbage doesn’t weigh 2 pounds.”
He put it on the scale and it weighed 2 pounds 14 ounces.
“Your scale is rigged.” She took the cabbage and put it on another vendor’s scale. The cabbage weighed 2 pounds 14 ounces as she was about to put it on another vendor’s scale, the vendor said, “You better pay the 50 cents, before he charge you the full price.”
She walked back to the owner of the cabbage and said, “It’s too expensive, I will give you 45cents for it.” She handed him the money and he took it, but he shook his head.
A woman standing there since the raucous started said, “You keep back everybody with your bullshit. He gave you a discount because he did not charge you for the 14 ounces and you still want ah discount. Give him the damn 5 cents right now.”
“Not your damn business. Stay out of it,” She said.
The woman put down her market basket and she said, “I making it my business. Give him the money now!”
A lady held my hand and said, “Little Valentine move from here.” She pulled me away, but I was still watching.
The woman who wanted the discount, realized that the other woman was getting ready for a fight so she said, “Not me an’ you, nah.” She looked in her wallet, found the 5 cents, paid the vendor, as she said, “Some people damn farse… Oui.
“Yes I damn farse, because is my farseness that does  see you every Saturday morning dressed like a peacock, strutting around the market trying to rob somebody.”
People were laughing and commenting about how true it was about the woman. I was giggling. Oh God, Trinbago was nice…

Friday, May 23, 2014

“After one time is two time”

Look how life gets. It is really a cycle. When I had to wear my knee brace my family took charge of me. One day my son and daughter were getting dressed for school, I was in the kitchen washing the dishes from breakfast. My daughter got dressed and she sat in the kitchen talking to me, while my son was showering. When he was dressed he came into the kitchen and he said, “Sarah you can leave now. Mom go and shower.”
“I’m going,” I said. Although I said I was going, I continued wiping down the counter. but I was thinking, What the … Jesus. I used to tell him to go and shower now he is telling me too.
My husband called to find out what was going on and my son said, “I told mom to go and shower, but she is still doing this and that in the kitchen. My husband must have said, “You know your mother because I heard him say, “Yeah, I know how she is.” Then he said, “Mom I have to go in 10 minutes. We do not want you to go and shower when no one is at home. Dad said to stop what you are doing and head to the bathroom.”
I left everything and hit the shower shaking my head as I said, “After one time is another~ After one time is two time.”…

“Unhappy people live among us, sowing discord among brothers”

I do not like to lie. It is too stressful. Just too burdensome. It is a burden because you have to remember it. You spend your days wondering if the person you told will keep the lie. The lie now becomes a secret. The secret is a burden. Jealousy caused the lie. Burdens are just a great heavy worrying responsibility~ Oh what unhappiness. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

I don’t know why some Trinbagonians are in a tizzy about a video with Minister Anil Roberts, rolling a joint then smoking it. What did Jesus say, “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.” Yet I have to say all these Ministers are hypocrites. A senator in the USA got caught buying cocaine. All these official are going to get is a pat on the back and allowed to get therapy. The small man is going to be sent to jail…
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you. The morsel you have eaten, you will vomit up, and waste your pleasant words… Prov 23:7-8

“What Can I Say”

Thunder and lightning all day today. It is not my favorite thing so I will be spending most of the day in the quiet spot in my home. All I can say is, “God is doing his work so I am going to do my own, in Jesus Almighty name. Amen and AMEN to that.”
Enjoy your day and be safe.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Trinidad and Tobago politician’s pictures on school children note books. What the… Jesus.

More than 170 murders already in 2014 and politician want to act as a role models for children? hmm. I think some of them are crazy. A lot of narcissistic people, in parliament. I was born in Trinidad and Tobago. I grew up under Prime Minister Dr. Eric William. He was the best leader Trinbago ever had. He said, “If you send a jackass to school. All you would get is an educated ass.” A lot of educated asses in parliament, running things in Trinbago.
Prime Minister Basdeo Panday. Words from Panday, “If you see me and a lion fighting, feel sorry for the lion. Doh feel sorry for me.”
This self-important Prime Minister of Trinbago is the worst. They say she drinks. I believe that liquor is clouding her judgment. Trinidad and Tobago is in a real mess. Her ass needs to smoke some weed…

“Another Sad Affair”

I am seeing many pictures of women dressed with their backside exposed. Even the crack is visible. There are so many women suffering with mental disorders. Most of them do not see anything wrong with their attire. Just put yourself in their shoes for a moment~ That could be you~ A relative~ A friend…

A wonderful safe day to you and yours… 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

This week is ‘Spirit Week’ in my daughter’s school. Today’s is Gender Bender~ Girls dressed like boys and boys dress like girls. She did not do it… She dressed in her regular daily attire. I asked her why she wasn’t taking part. She said that clothes doesn’t have a gender. Anybody could wear anything any day and she doesn’t see a big deal in that. Whatever suits your fancy~ Whatever makes you happy.
I smiled then I said, “You have a point. When men dress in woman’s attire they call it cross-dressing~ women have been wearing man’s attire since Elizabeth Smith Miller, the first woman to wear a pants. Today nobody says women are cross-dressing, so you are right. Clothes doesn’t have a gender.

“On A Personal Note”

Sugar taste real good, but do you know that it makes you urinate a lot. Sometimes you urinate and then minutes later you want to pee again. When you take in sugar at nights it will cause you to have a sleepless night. All night you would be getting up to pee. Cut down on sugar. You would feel a lot better.
A wonderful safe day to you and yours…

Monday, May 19, 2014

This week is ‘Spirit Week’ in my daughter’s school. Today’s is Pajamas Day. I am not to enthusiastic about wearing sleepwear on the streets, but I am yielding because her pajamas looks respectable…  

Papaw ~ Papaya

It really doesn’t matter to me how you spell it or say it. It is my favorite fruit. I get real nice papaw from Chinatown. Every time I am eating it taste as though I picked it from a tree my father planted. Nice~ Real nice…
Have some fruit today~ Take in the natural sugar and not the man-made~ artificial~  synthetic kind.

A blessed safe day to you and yours…

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Cher – “I Hope You Find It”

These clouds aren’t going nowhere, darling~ Rain keeps coming down~ I just thought I’d try to call you~ For you got too far outta town~ And I hope that you get this message that I’m leaving for you~ ‘Cause I’d hate that you left without hearing the words that I needed you to.
And I hope you find it~ What you’re looking for~ I hope it’s everything you dreamed your life could be ~ And so much more.
And I hope you’re happy, wherever you are~ I wanted you to know that~ And nothing’s gonna change that~ I hope you find it.
Am I supposed to hang around and wait forever? Last words that I said~ But that was nothing but a broken heart talking, darling~ You know it wasn’t what I meant~ Call me up, let me know you got this message that I’m leaving for you. ‘Cause I’d hate that you left without hearing the words that I needed you to.
And I hope you find it~ What you’re looking for~ I hope it’s everything you dreamed your life could be ~ And so much more.
And I hope you’re happy, wherever you are~ I wanted you to know that~ And nothing’s gonna change that~ I hope you find it.
Whatever it is out there that you were missing here.
Well I hope you find it~ What you’re looking for ~ I hope it’s everything you dreamed your life could be~ And so much more.
And I hope you’re happy, wherever you are~ I wanted you to know that~ And nothing’s gonna change that~ I hope you find it~ I hope you find it.

Happy Sunday to you and yours. I hope today is going in your favor.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

I love this song. Every time I hear it, it rings truth to how I am feeling.

A Great Big World
“Say Something”
Is There anybody Out There..
Say something, I’m giving up on you~ I’ll be the one, if you want me to~ Anywhere I would’ve followed you~ Say something, I’m giving up on you.
And I am feeling so small~ It was over my head~ I know nothing at all.
And I will stumble and fall~ I’m still learning to love~ Just starting to crawl.
Say something, I’m giving up on you~ I’m sorry that I couldn’t get to you~ Anywhere I would’ve followed you~ Say something, I’m giving up on you.
And I will swallow my pride~ You’re the one that I love~ And I’m saying goodbye.

Say something, I’m giving up on you~ And I’m sorry that I couldn’t get to you~ And anywhere I would’ve followed you~ Say something, I’m giving up on you~ Say something, I’m giving up on you~ SAY SOMETHING…

A Pray for you and yours.

LORD God of our fathers, may the heavens, and the earth, and the seas, and the fountains, and the rivers, and all thy creatures that are in them, bless thee.

Have mercy on us, O LORD have mercy on us, and let us grow old both together in health. Tobias 8:7;10 (Tobias and Sara prayer)

Friday, May 16, 2014


Why do we have day planners, diaries and journals? Yes it is to remind us not to forget.
If you say that you do not forget. I would not call you a liar, you are just speaking through your moment of forgetfulness — For a moment you forgot that you forget.
Why do you think that we have; wife, mother, secretary, assistant? There was a time in my life, when I held those four positions. Wife and mother I still hold and everyday when my family are heading out I ask, “Do you have your Phone, Bluetooth, Money, Metrocard, ID etc., The day I decide not to ask that is the day they would forget something then I would hear, “You made me forget my so and so”… I would always smile and say I forget sometimes too.
I was an assistant to a Dean and vice president of a college. That job was a multi-task job because I had to remember job and some personal situations for him, but thank God for the secretary. Every evening before she and I left work we would go over the task for the next day. On many occasions when we arrived to work, there will be one or two things that we forgot. Especially that thing our boss asked us about. I used to say, “Thank God he remembered.
Today I am talking about forgetfulness because of that man/woman who forget their child/children in the car. It is a daily occurrence. Since living in the US I have heard so many stories about children being left in cars then found dead hours later. I do not believe that people should be sent to prison for it. The death of the child is already a prison sentence…

Thursday, May 15, 2014

“Who Am I”

Ugliness is really a state of mind. The first day I met him, I said to myself that he is ugly. Although I was thinking that way about him, he was the help I needed to complete a business transaction. I said good morning to him, then I asked him a question. He had a very nice voice and he spoke very politely to me, yet ugliness was still on my mind. After our conversation, I went away feeling happy that my business was completed in a professional and valuable manner. Weeks later I had to take some documents to his office. My son –14 and daughter –8 were with me. When we walked into his office I introduced them to him. They smiled and shook his hand. He asked my son a question and as they started talking, my daughter intervene, stating that she did not agree with a point. They both sat talking to him for more than 20 minutes and I was impressed with how expressive they were. When we left my daughter said, “He is a kind man.”
“Yes. Also polite and smart,” My son said.
I was thinking, “My children did not see ugly. Who am I to think that this man was ugly?”

I promised my children I am not going to blaspheme, but at times I really wonder... hmm, when did God give up the throne? So many self-righteous pricks walking on the earth acting as though they are God.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

“What You Ask For”

I believe God gives you what you ask for. You do not have to open your mouth and speak the words, but your actions says it all~
Now that you acted and you received your reward, you want to cry over spilled milk. One thing about the milk. It spilled so even if you pick it up, it will never be the same~ That milk is contaminated and not as much as the original amount that was in the vessel.
Life is filled with people who do not like us for being us. Just love yourself and then you would see how loved you are. A wonderful safe day to you and yours.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Last night sleeping was the worst. I got up so often that it felt like fifty million times. Last fall, I called the guy to service the air condition. He was heading to Trinidad so I planned to call him when he got back. Winter came so I wasn’t thinking about summer. Last night was the first heat wave and I had enough. I do not like summer.

“They Walked Out”

I was speaking to a woman and she had me flabbergasted. I wanted to say to her what my father used to say to us, A priest, pastor is a man first. Anyway she was telling me that she got very emotional in church.
“The sermon must have been wonderful?” I said.
“It was, but that is not why I was upset. What made me cry was the moment pastor got up on the pulpit and started preaching some people got up and walked out.”
“Why did they walk out?” I asked.
“I don’t know, but they were wrong to do that. He is the pastor and they need to respect him.”
“Maybe he did something to warrant that kind of behavior.’
“I do not believe that he did. He is very nice to people and does a lot of charity work. I am sure he did not do anything!
“Really? Because he is a pastor? Matthew 7:22-23 says, Many will say to me on that day, “LORD, LORD did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons, and in your name perform many miracles?” Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you, Away from me, you evildoers!”
she hung up. I got hysterical…

A blessed safe day to you and yours.”

Sunday, May 11, 2014

TO ALL TEACHERS “My Students My Children”

I used to meet a teacher Monday to Friday, every week for 10 months. We used to have great conversations about everyday life. One Friday before Mother’s Day we stood talking. As the conversation was ending she said, “Happy Mother’s Day.”
“I said, “Thank you. The same to you. I hope you have a wonderful day.”
She said sadly, “Mrs. Joseph I don’t have any children.
I said, “How many children are in you class?”
“30 children.”
“I said, “Biologically you don’t, but daily you deal with 30 different attitudes. You spend time and do more for these children than their mothers. You edify —improving their knowledge. You nurture — Play the role of a mother as care giver and protector. You encourage them to be successful, you quiet their arguments, you make sure they are fed, you make sure they seek health care when they are ill. I can go on and on about what you do for them. She looked at me astounded.
“I never thought about teaching in that way. It was work. You’ve opened my eyes. Thank you. I am going to take all the Mother’s Day post cards that I received from my students…”
“Not students, children,” I said.
“Yes my children’s cards, and read them. I have five years of cards to read, so I have to go... 

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all MOTHERS and also to all those FATHERS who have to do double duty —FATHER AND MOTHER… Happy Mother’s Day. A WONDERFUL SAFE DAY TO YOU.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


And that is a fact. I did not pass the Common Entrance Examination and the world did not end. It is still here. I went to high school then I went to college. The only thing that did not make me do my Bachelors Degree in Social Work was my desire to write. Today I am an author. That is my passion my gift and I love it.
Please ignore all the boastful people who are making you feel that your child is worthless because he/she failed the exam. Put aside your hurt~ embarrassment~ disdain that you feel towards your child. IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Start working on the next chapter. Your child was bless with; A talent. A gift. A passion. Have a serious talk with him/her to find out what he/she likes to do and get them involved in It.

Learn a trade. A blue color worker always have a job.

Hate me~ Lie about me~ Trash me~ Your cross to bear~ I am not going to get a sleepless night over you.

A Happy Saturday to you and yours. Enjoy and be safe.

Friday, May 9, 2014

My daughter just got home from school. Someone stole her coat. She had it with her backpack etc., during gym. When gym was over her coat was gone. Thank God this morning she said she was feeling cold so she wore a hoodie as well.
I smiled as she said, “Mom you really don’t know how shitty some of these high school students are. Some of them think they are hot shit, but they are just cold piss. I really had enough of their asses.”
She is hysterical to listen too when she is annoyed.. The tin of Milo comes out of the cupboard and a spoonfull goes into her mouth. 

“What You Should Not Do”

If you do not like someone, you should not make up anecdote to discredit them. I believe that is sinful. I believe you should stay away from them. Say nothing to them or about them. Just delete them. Put them on your cut list. Cut them out of your life.

“Everybody knew everybody in Point Fortin”

In the 80s Trinidad and Tobago was nice, but I believe Point Fortin was nicer than all the other areas. Christmas was coming so you knew Cedros fishermen were bringing in contraband from Venezuela. Late one night you and your friends would be heading down to Cedros to buy whiskey, rum or some kind of electronic device. One night some friends drove to Cedros. As they were about fifteen minutes from the beach, another friend, who was a policeman stopped them. He told them, “Go home. The beach is hot tonight.” He was warning them that the police was on the beach looking for contraband, to arrest sellers and buyers. Days later they went back.
Christmas day we were all drinking whiskey, eating hops, ham and souse etc. Lots of love was floating in the air in the 80s. Trinbago was nice~ Real nice…

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Aretha Franklin – Bridge Over Troubled Water

I am listening to Aretha this morning and she is right. Still water run deep.

Trinbagonians are too LAIDBACK


I am not saying, don’t pray. Praying brings peace of mind to many, but it can easily fall apart if the same thing you are praying and hoping for doesn’t happen, happens. Trinibagonians need to stop being laidback start being stringent! Work at dismantling that corrupted government. Mobilize themselves to push for an election. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

“What Can I Say”

Be loving~ Be kind~ Just be tender.
As the old folks in Trinbago used to say, “Yuh see today~ Yuh nuh see tomorrow.” —We really don’t know what tomorrow will bring so be kind. In a discussion many believed that hell was hot, but my son maintains that it is freezing. Hot or cold it really doesn’t matter to me because I am not going.
I hope goodness and kindness comes into your space today~ Thank you God!
For all that this day brings into my space~ I am just going to say~ Thank you God for everything!
A wonderful safe day to you and yours…

Monday, May 5, 2014

“The Stranger”

Never forget Judas kissed Christ~ They live among us … Scary~
Life today is totally different to the life I lived as a child. When you came upon an adult you had to politely greet them, but today many adults cannot be trusted.
When my children were younger, I told them, that they must pay attention to their surroundings and to all the people they meet. If anyone says good morning, hello etc., to them, they do not have to answer. Just keep walking, but be aware of them.
Today my children are in their twenties and teens, but the safety tip still stands…
I hope today is a better day for you than yesterday. A blessed safe day to you and yours.

“Happy Cinco de Mayo”

El Dia de la Batalla de Puebla (The Day of the Battle of Puebla)
To all my Mexican friends, as you celebrate Cinco de Mayo make it an enjoyable celebration…. Remember not to~ DRINK and DRIVE and avoid ROAD RAGE.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Dear God Trinidad and Tobago is under siege by criminals. Something drastic needs to be done. I am worried about who might be next.

“A Ton Of Bricks”

I never felt that I was better than you.
I never claim to have more than you.
I never wanted what you have.
I never bad-talk you.
I never ill-treated you.
I always treated you with kindness and tenderness.
But the weight of your jealousy is like a ton of bricks on my shoulder…

Matthew 6:34 Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil. A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

“One Saturday In Summer”

I find winter to be the most tiring season. You get exhausted from wearing, your underclothes, which is covered by a coat. Then you put on hat, scarf, gloves, boots/shoes/sneakers. I am sure after you are dressed you walk around with more than 10 pounds on your body. My first and second winter was great. Loved it. The third and fourth winter, I liked. Then, all the winters after that was “Oh gosh when will it end?’. When anyone asked me how I was doing, I would always say, “So-so-T’ank-yuh. An’ yuhself?” My American friends used to laugh when I get down in my Trini twang. Some of them even started saying them. Anyway, I used to be anxiously waiting for Summer. Summer in New Jersey used to be great, then I moved to Brooklyn. Winter and spring went by. Boots, shoes, sneakers etc., were tucked away…Out of sight out of mind.
I was excited as I stepped outside, my first Saturdays in Summer. I had planned it well and everything went without a hitch. Dressed in a tank top, shorts and a real nice pair of sandals. I did my stop at the hairdresser then my manicure and pedicure. Next on my list was shopping on Flatbush Avenue. My day was going great until I got home, sat down and crossed my legs. My heel looked black as pitch. I looked at the other and it looked the same. I was pissed. “What the… Jesus! When I was out, I was walking and thinking that I looked real cute… Now what a take down. My heals were covered from the nasty grime on Flatbush Avenue. Damn it!” I sat wondering how many people saw it…

Friday, May 2, 2014

“Another Sad Affair

The way some men treat women you have to wonder if they came out of a womb... The place that offers protection, shelter and comfort or they came into the world from a scientific procedure that went wrong… Mess with their brains that they cannot share feelings of love, kindness and tenderness.
230 young girls were kidnapped and it is not a gesture of love, kindness and tenderness. Heard one report yesterday that the kidnappers said that two of the girls died from snake bites. I do not believe it. Lord have mercy.

“There is no room for hurt, harm, injure, damage, mar, impair, spoil, upset in my heart. I am living life and loving me first”

“Mom you are nice,” My daughter said and her brother said, “True.”
I was thinking today is Friday and we already did the, “Mom, there isn’t anything to eat, but don’t look in the cupboard and the fridge, just order pizza. I smiled then I said, “Okay, so what do you guys want?”
“Nothing,” They both said.
Thanks for that, I am happy you both feel that way.”
“For the BS some of our friends go through with their mother, you are the best.”
I smiled and then I said, “You guys know me~ I am me~ What you see is, what you get~ Love me~ Hate me~ Not a problem. Lie to me/about me~ Now we have a problem and that is me until the day I die...
A blessed safe day to you and yours.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A blessed safe day to you and yours

Prov. 4:23-27 With closest custody, guard your heart, for in it are the source of life. Put away from you dishonest talk, deceitful speech put far from you. Let your eyes look straight ahead and your glance be directly forward. Survey the path for your feet, and let all your ways be sure. Turn neither to the right nor to the left. Keep your foot from evil.