Thursday, September 27, 2018

Woman number 3 came forward and I believe there are more but they are scared. The Republicans are still blaming the Democrats for these women coming forth. Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez, and Julie Swetnick about the sexual Wrongdoings at a party when they were in high school. Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee is the accused but he said he did not do it. The Republicans did it to Anita Hill and here they go again parading another woman Christine Blasey Ford. A woman is asking the questions but I don’t trust her. Many of us a just nasty to each other.There are many abused victims crying out silently, afraid to talk. Thank you, God, for giving them strength and courage to speak. Christine Blasey Ford, I pray that you get strength and courage to face today and the days ahead.

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