Thursday, September 27, 2018

Priest, Cosby yes, sexual abusers but two different kinds of sexual abuse. no comparison. Priest rape children and Cosby women. Yes, they are all criminals. Priests are protected by the catholic church and the American law for whites. I haven’t seen any black Catholic priests in America accused, but if there are any they will be sent to prison. Cosby is a black man. A born and raised Black American man and he knows America’s history. He knows how black men are professed by some white Americans so he should have known better. According to my father, ‘He is a damn fool’. Stop comparing the two situations. It is offensive to compare children situation to adult situations. Justice for children should be harsh but it is not. I experienced being intoxicated and touched without my consent. It took me 34 years to talk about it. When I was in Trinbago in 2011, I told my sisters. They wanted to know why I did not tell anybody, not even our father. Hurt, shame and fear caused me to be silent. I did not want them to get in trouble. They were upset that I took so long to tell them.

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